Has the Gospel Been Preached in ‘All the World’?

This is my third and final critique of Ron Rhodes’ book Jesus and the End Times. You can read my first two articles here and here. In brief commentary on Jesus and the Olivet Discourse, he states, “In the Olivet Discourse. Jesus prophesied that ‘the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it’” (Matthew 24:14). (45) Like so much o [...]

What Does the Bible Mean When It Says Jesus Is Coming ‘Soon’ and that the 'Time is Near’?

In a previous article, I commented on Ron Rhodes new book Jesus and the End Times. You can read it here. As I mentioned, I’ve dealt with most of the topics he covers in my books Last Days Madness, Wars and Rumors of Wars, and Is Jesus Coming Soon? In this article, I would like to delve into the always controversial time words “soon” and “near.” I believe that these words refer to Jesus’ coming in [...]

Repetitive Prophecy Books Keep Getting It Wrong

Ron Rhodes has written many popular prophecy books. While there’s always something new in each book, most of his books repeat the same themes and errors. His latest book is Jesus and the End Times. Like his previous books, this one follows the outdated and discredited dispensational model. The next prophetic event is supposed to be the “rapture of the church” to be followed by the Great Tribulatio [...]

Georgia State Representative Doesn't Know Much About Biology or Logic

The Georgia House of Representatives passed a bill that banned abortions after the unborn babies heartbeat is detected. No one has two heartbeats. If there are two heartbeats, then there are two people. This is not enough evidence for Georgia Democrat state Rep. Dar’shun Kendrick. She has introduced a “Testicular Bill of Rights” to protest the Georgia House of Representatives&rsq [...]

“Grinding Out” More Bad Prophecy Books

The same day I received David Jeremiah’s The Book of Signs: 31 Undeniable Prophecies of the Apocalypse and Ron Rhodes’ Jesus and the End Times, I also received Ray Kroc’s autobiography Grinding It Out: The Making of McDonald’s. End-time prophecy books never cease. Publishers keep grinding them out. They are the same worn out prophetic speculations that have been published in similar books for cent [...]

Anti-Capitalist AOC Inadvertently Praises Capitalism

Far-left U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) spoke to a group of adoring fans at the South by Southwest conference who know as much about economics as she does. The question of automation came up: “We should not feel nervous about the tollbooth collector not having to collect tolls. We should be excited by that. But the reason we’re not excited about it is because we live in a society [...]

This Is Your First Government

“Man … is certainly descended from some ape-like creature…. [H]e may not have been a social animal, and yet have lived with several wives, like the gorilla; for all the natives ‘agree that but one adult male is seen in a band; when the young male grows up, a contest takes place for mastery, and the strongest, by killing and driving out the others, establishes himself as the head of the comm [...]

From the Desk of Gary DeMar: Two New Video Series Coming

From the Desk of Gary DeMar I watched the film The Founder for the second time. It’s about how Ray Kroc created the multi-billion-dollar franchise empire McDonald’s. While there are some inaccuracies in the film, there’s a lot that’s historically true. There’s one scene that caught my attention in relation to American Vision. The scene takes place after Kroc pays the McDonald brothers $2.7 million [...]

Christianity and the American Commonwealth

Christianity and the American Commonwealth Introduction By Gary DeMar [caption id="" align=“aligncenter” width=“332”] Click on the book image to get a PDF copy for FREE[/caption] Charles Betts Galloway (1849–1909) was born in Kosciusko, Mississippi, September 1, 1849. His early schooling came by way of private tutoring. At fourteen he attended a school for boys in [...]

Defenders of Rep. Ilhan Omar Would Have Made Good Defense Witnesses at Nuremberg

Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D., Ill.) defended Rep. Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) from charges of anti-Semitism by arguing she should receive some leeway because of her upbringing in Somalia. Her family moved to the United States in 1995 when she was 14 years old. This means that she has been in this country for nearly 25 years. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told CNN that Rep. Omar’s controversial remarks about [...]

Are Some Pastors Segregating the Church from the World?

There are some Christians who take themselves out of the battle over worldviews by using the Bible for cover. They believe the Bible teaches that Christians should stay above the fray of cultural involvement. I’ve dealt with many of the arguments for this position in my book Myths, Lies, and Half-Truths. ((Gary DeMar, Myths, Lies, and Half-Truths: How Misreading the Bible Neutralizes Christians (P [...]

Ignorance of Socialism is No Excuse

Socialism is all the rage, but few people really know what it is and how it doesn’t work over the long haul. This is especially true of Millennials. “These days, if you hear people spouting the benefits of socialism, don’t assume that they’re talking about the socialism you probably loathe. They’re more likely talking about promoting big government — and more of it.” (The Hill) We already have big [...]

The Second Most Important Government

Diamonds worth millions of dollars can change hands based on trust. There are no contracts, lawyers, or signatures. All deals take place verbally. A person’s word is his bond. This trust is sealed with a handshake and the following words – “Good Luck and Blessing,” spoken in Hebrew. Trust is a form of self-government. There is no outside force or law that mandates that these transactions take plac [...]

Avoiding the new secular theocracy

How many times have you heard that religion and politics don’t mix? Don’t believe it. Religion is always mixed with politics. It’s impossible to separate religion from politics or God from any form of government. When the one and only God is rejected, another god takes His place. It’s that simple and basic. There are no exceptions and don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise. The most anti-God rul [...]

Liberals should stop trying to justify homosexuality with Jesus and the Creeds

Rachel Held Evans is a professing Christian who supports same-sex marriage because “Jesus never talked about it.” This is a frequent argument for supporters of same-sex marriage. She also states that the creeds don’t mention anything about homosexuality. Who is Rachel Held Evans? Rachel Held Evans is a New York Times best-selling author whose books include Faith Unraveled (2010), A Year of Biblica [...]

The alleged "biblical" values of Ocasio-Cortez's Democratic Socialism

The folks at Sojourners have been pushing socialism in the name of Jesus and the Bible for decades. Claiming that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s economic policies are “biblical” is the height of absurdity. She does not know anything about economics. Her claim that a $3 billion tax break can be spent is prima facie evidence of her ignorance. Here’s the latest incarnation of Democratic Socialism. The sa [...]

Stop using the Bible as an excuse to avoid politics

Does the Bible forbid Christians from being involved in politics? It would be a hard case to prove since there are numerous books of the Bible that are filled with politics—from Joshua, Judges, and 1 and 2 Samuel to 1 and 2 Kings and the Old Testament Prophets. King David is confronted by Nathan the Prophet (2 Sam. 12), Solomon is shown violating nearly every biblical admonition regarding kings th [...]

"Rapture" thinking and political paralysis

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is coming under fire for a speech he gave in 2015 while serving as a Congressman: Dangerous Christian extremist: Trump’s Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is caught on video promoting the Rapture. Social media is on fire after a 2015 video has been rediscovered showing Secretary of State Mike Pompeo discussing the Rapture. In the video Pompeo expresses his opposition to [...]

Prophecy pundits say Trump's troop withdrawal leads to Armageddon

I’ve been listening to an interview that Brannon Howse had with pastor and author Andy Woods about his book The Middle East Meltdown. He, like so many prophecy writers today, believes Ezekiel 38 and 39 are about modern-day Russia and nations surrounding Israel in a war that will lead to the deaths of billions of people. For Howse and Woods, war is prophetically inevitable. Peace is impossible. Thi [...]

Of Christmas and Christmas Trees

Every year, Christmas gets a drubbing by some Christians. Here’s one example sent to American Vision: Deuteronomy 12:30 says that God hates these things, and we are not to inquire of them to do like-wise unto the Lord. King Ahaz did this very thing, and paid for it, trying to bring something from a pagan temple into God’s temple. It says that doing this is called, “evil in the sight of the Lord. [...]