Some Basic Principles for Christian Apologetics

The following are some of the notes for a book I’m writing on the moral argument for the existence of God. In a debate on subjects where there are fundamental disagreements, a number of basic preliminaries must first be established before a meaningful discussion can take place. A certain factory worker had the responsibility of blowing the whistle every day at precisely 12:00 noon. In order [...]

Homosexual Mayor Claims His Same-Sex Marriage Brought Him 'Closer to God'

Politics gets stranger and stranger. Who would have thought that same-sex sexuality would become a political selling point? But it has. Chicago just elected a lesbian mayor. South Bend, Indiana, elected Pete Buttigieg who is married to a man. “My marriage to Chasten,” Buttigieg said in a speech at LGBTQ Victory Fund National Champagne Brunch in Washington, D.C., “has made me a be [...]

Yale Law School: Christians Need Not Apply

Today’s academic institutions are shutting out competing worldviews. Professors who question evolution will not receive tenure and will most likely be dismissed. Don’t even think about getting hired if you oppose abortion and don’t bow before the altar of sexual and gender dysmorphia. Senate Democrats are opposing lawyers who are up for judicial posts if they are not pro-abortion and gender-divers [...]

Was Jesus in the Grave for "Three Days and Three Nights"?

There has been considerable debate over the best way to interpret the three-days and three-nights language of Matthew 12:40, either as three 24-hour days of exactly 72 hours or parts of three days and three nights. Because you can’t get three full days if the count begins on Friday, some interpreters have argued for a two-Sabbath approach and a crucifixion on Wednesday and a resurrection on Saturd [...]

Does the Constitution’s “Welfare Clause” Support a Socialist Government?

Any document can be made to say anything if a word or phrase is taken out of context. Ripped from its context, “judge not” (Matt. 7:1) means something different from the point Jesus was making in the next verse (7:2) and other verses (John 7:24). The apostle Paul had no problem judging the sexual behavior of someone in the church at Corinth (1 Cor. 5:1-2). The Bible says, “there is no God” (Ps. [...]

The Foundational Government of Society

Politics gets the lion’s share of attention these days. Give the State enough power and authority and all will be right with the world. Empowering civil government as the ultimate change agent is to destabilize society and turn the people into wards of the State. Leftists are always talking about people with too much power and money, and yet they want to reduce the number of people with the power [...]

It Matters Who Your Ancestors Were

The following article is from the companion book that will go along with the “God and Governments” video series I just completed “Man … is certainly descended from some ape-like creature…. [H]e may not have been a social animal, and yet have lived with several wives, like the gorilla; for all the natives ‘agree that but one adult male is seen in a band; when the young male grows up, a conte [...]

Anti-Postmillennialist Makes a Weak Case

While I was in Moscow, Idaho, over the weekend taping marathon sessions on God and government and eschatology with the folks at Cross Politic, David Engelsma’s name came up in an after-dinner conversation. I can’t remember what triggered the topic, but just a few days before, I had received an invitation to debate Mr. Engelsma on the topic of “Common Grace.” I declined. I spent five days in the mi [...]

Black Actors Support Killing Unborn Black Babies In Georgia

The Hollywood Left is on the move again trying to impose their immorality on the rest of us by trying to blackmail the people of Georgia by threatening to pull the film industry out of the state because Georgia has passed the “Fetal Heartbeat Bill.” Over the past decade, Georgia has become one of the most lucrative filming locations in the entire world, generating billions of dollars f [...]

Deception and the End Times

An article on the Christian Post deals with deception and the end times. I agree, there’s a great deal of deception out there. The deception has been going on for a long time because of a misreading of prophetic texts and the timing of their fulfillment. The author quotes the following: But you, beloved, ought to remember the words that were spoken beforehand by the apostles of our Lord Jesu [...]

How Evangelicalism Lost Its Way And Helped Lose a Nation

Jesus said, “Any kingdom divided against itself is laid waste; and any city or house divided against itself shall not stand” (Matthew 12:25). “Just preach the gospel.” How many times have you heard pastors and critics of social and political action scold Christians concerned about the moral direction the church is taking for mixing the gospel with politics? The gospel is more than a life insurance [...]

You Won't Believe What These Atheists Say About Christianity

François-Marie Arouet (1694–1778), known by his pen-name, Voltaire, is reported to have said, “I don’t believe in God, but I hope my valet does so he won’t steal my spoons.” For many atheists, holding to religious tenets, at least for other people, is practical because it keeps them from stealing their stuff. In the spirit of Voltaire, Atheist Richard Dawkins tweeted: “Before we rejoic [...]

The “Deep State” Is Deeper Than We Thought

What is the ‘Deep State’? It’s said to be a government within a government, not elected, but just there, always writing rules, subverting criticism, and never letting the opposition gain a foothold. A president is restricted to eight-years. Members of Congress can be thrown out of office at the ballot box every two (House) and six (Senate) years. “The existence of a deep state or state within a st [...]

Welcome to San Antonio ... Unless You're Chick-fil-A

You can’t say a word against Muslim extremists who are killing Christians by the dozens every day in many parts of the world. You can’t refuse to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding without being dragged into court. But it’s OK to refuse Chick-fil-A from opening one of its always-in-demand restaurants at the San Antonio airport. It’s also OK for liberals to “pray&rdquo [...]

Is Ignorance of the First Amendment Turning Our Nation into a Tyranny?

What you don’t know can kill you, and in the case of ignorance about our nation’s founding document, it can turn you into a slave to the State. The Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution because the states were not satisfied with the claim that the Constitution was a document of “enumerated powers.” They demanded that specific rights be added to the Constitution. The [...]

Should Today's White People Pay Reparations to Black People?

The soul who sins shall die. The son shall not suffer for the iniquity of the father, nor the father suffer for the iniquity of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself (Ezek. 18:20). The Democrat Party is calling for reparations. Some Christian Ministers and theologians are saying that if you don’t support repa [...]

The Atheist’s Dilemma Regarding Something Called ‘Evil’

Given an atheistic or even an agnostic starting point, how can someone be outraged by evil? Without God, being outraged over the presence of evil is a subjective notion borrowed from the Christian worldview. “If God is nothing,” according to Russian novelist Feodor Dostoyevsky (1821–1881), “everything is permitted; if God is nothing, everything is a matter of indifference.” ((Feodor Dostoyevsky, T [...]

The ‘Jesus Was a Socialist’ and ‘Property is Theft’ Lies

“You shall not steal” is a fundamental biblical commandment that’s found in both Testaments (Ex. 20:15; 21:16; Lev. 19:11, 13; Matt. 19:18; Rom. 13:9). If property is theft, as one Christian stated on his Facebook page, then every person in the world is a thief because everyone owns something. If property is theft and civil governments take property from some people and give it to other people, th [...]

Change of Leadership at American Vision

As you may know, I’ve returned to the leadership position at American Vision. In October of 2015, the Board accepted my resignation and turned the presidency over to Joel McDurmon. Joel had been working for American Vision for some years before this. I continued to serve on AV’s board, wrote occasional articles, and published a few books. It has always been difficult to raise money at AV. Our worl [...]

Some in Hollywood Think Communism is Cool and Christian

Communism has attracted a number of people in Hollywood, from Dalton Trumbo and Burgess Meredith to modern-day communist sympathizers like Sean Penn and Matthew Modine. While they would not support the oppressive actions of Communist regimes, they do like the utopian dreams of Communist theorists. Of course, to get to the fictional OZ, there are a lot of flying monkeys you must destroy. So far, Co [...]