Are You Growing Weary?

The other side finds a way to get its people involved, to raise money. Our side is thinking about something else. — James Dobson Some years ago, Druid Hills Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, Georgia, was dealing with the issue of homosexual clergy. The Evangelical Lutheran Church was wrestling with the same issue on whether a practicing homosexual pastor of St. John’s Lutheran Church should be relie [...]

Should Men Who Claim to be Women be Permitted to Compete with Biological Women in Sports?

Another man pretending to be a woman broke some women’s cycling records. It’s also been happening in wrestling, basketball, track and field, and weightlifting. Any man, even one who is “transitioning,” can beat most women in these sports. New Zealand weightlifter Laurel [sic] Hubbard won the over-90kg [198.4+ pounds] division at the Australian International in Melbourne, li [...]

Remembering Cornelius Van Til, the man

Our long-time friend, Daniel Hill Riedel, is a professional artist with a passion for Reformed Theology. He was also a close personal friend of Dr. Cornelius Van Til, the father of presuppositional apologetics. Daniel spent much time with Dr. Van Til and was able to witness his life and character first-hand. Daniel came away impressed by Dr. Van Til’s genuine Christ-like attitude. Read Danie [...]

Teaching the Bible in Public Schools is a Trap

Florida legislators have introduced a bill that requires all public high schools to offer elective Bible classes covering the Old and New Testaments. The bill’s sponsor is Democrat Kim Daniels. House Bill 341 “requires each school district to offer specified courses relating to religion, Hebrew Scriptures, and Bible to certain students as elective courses.” The fact that Rep. Daniels is a De [...]

An Open Letter to Kellogg’s and their Fake Anti-bullying Campaign

I read about your anti-bullying campaign being promoted with Kellogg’s Altogether Cereal. This would have been a good effort if you had not promoted a sex act. The use of the rainbow and describing some-sex sexuality as “gay” should tell you that this movement has something to hide. Kellogg’s has teamed up with the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) organization to celebrate ant [...]

Is 'Unabashed Atheist' Ron Reagan The Voice of the Democrat Party?

What happens to the children of parents who espoused the Christian faith? Franky Schaeffer has repudiated his father’s work and his own work he did with and for his father. Josh Harris has denounced the faith of his father, Greg Harris. Jonathan Merritt is promoting same-sex everything. His father is James G. Merritt, the Senior Pastor of Cross Pointe Church in Georgia. Now we come to Ronald [...]

Should Pastors Address the Subject of Politics?

For decades pastors have been timid about preaching politics from the pulpit. The Old Testament prophets would have been stunned by such timidity. A good many modern-day churches believe that they have some very good biblical reasons for not touching on the subject of politics from the pulpit. Many believe they are prohibited from doing so because it will jeopardize their tax-exempt status. It won [...]

Robert “Beto” O’Rourke Wants to Tax People Who Attend Churches that Don’t Support Homosexuality

Former Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke and Democrat presidential candidate said that churches and other religious institutions that oppose same-sex marriage should lose their tax-exempt status. It’s obvious by his goal that he does not understand how tax exemption works. Those who get the tax deduction are the people who donate to 501(c)(3) organizations. Most churches fall into this category. This means [...]

Columbus and the Flat Earth Myth

Each Columbus Day, Christopher Columbus is hammered for his voyages of exploitation of native peoples. At the same time, Christians are ridiculed for once opposing the forward-thinking Columbus and his rejection of the flat earth mythology that was said to have been held by the Medieval church. Is any of it true? I’ll leave the question of exploitation to be answered by others, but the flat earth [...]

Off With Columbus’ Head, Celebrate the Aztecs Instead

Columbus Day is celebrated on October 14th this year. Columbus Day became a national holiday in 1937. Italian immigrants were a persecuted minority, as were other immigrant groups even though these Old World immigrants had entered the United States legally. As a way to bolster Italian pride, Italians rallied around Christopher Columbus as a way to show the people of the United States that they wer [...]

When Democrats Believed in Tax Cuts for Everyone

There was a time when Democrats believed in tax cuts. Unfortunately, like many Republicans and most Democrats, there are still too many taxes, too much spending, and ever-expanding governmental control and overreach. Since the time of JFK’s presidency, the growth of government has been staggering with new departments siphoning off more money to empower a bureaucratic nightmare that perpetuat [...]

Atheism, the Invisibility of God, and 'Young Sheldon'

The first episode of the third season of CBS’s Young Sheldon is titled “Quirky Eggheads and Texas Snow Globes.” The show is a spinoff of The Big Bang Theory that was created by anti-Christian Chuck Lorre. In the Young Sheldon episode, Sheldon’s mother is concerned about her genius son’s mental condition. It seems that one of Sheldon’s mentors was committed to a psychiatric hospital for mental insa [...]

Judge Gives Bible to Convicted Murderer and Atheists Go Crazy

Amber Guyger was convicted of murder after shooting Botham Jean, an unarmed black man. Guyger thought she was in her own apartment when she returned home, and that Botham Jean had broken into her apartment. She was sentenced to ten years in prison instead of the maximum 28. The brother of the murder victim embraced her and told her that he had forgiven her. In their brief encounter, he presented t [...]

545 Politicians vs. 300,000,000 People

The following article was written by Charley Reese for the Orlando Sentinel newspaper on March 7, 1995, under the title “Looking for Someone To Blame? Congress Is Good Place To Start.” Reese worked for the Orlando Sentinel from 1971 to 2001 as a writer and in various editorial capacities. The article has been widely read and distributed in modified form as it’s been passed around via e-mail. Durin [...]

An Evolutionary Fairy Story About ‘Star Dust’ That Leads to ‘Algebraic Ethics’

The following is from a New York Times article on the importance of stardust in our supposed evolution: It is the stuff of people, as well as cats, plants, buttons, shoes, seas, planets, comets, moons, cars, books and cell phones, not to mention the paper (or computer screen) on which these words appear: star dust. While it’s true that we and everything else have a chemical makeup, what’s impossib [...]

How Far the Democrats Have Fallen (And the Republicans Aren’t Far Behind)

Who said the following? “I am a Christian, I am a Protestant, I am a Baptist … [and] my own personal religious faith . . . has developed out of my own personal experience in life as well…. [T]he tradition of which I’m a part recognizes the importance of personal communication with the deity, along with the lessons that come from Scripture.” ((From Kenneth Woodward, “Finding God,” New [...]

Christian Publishing Companies are a Bigger Problem than Amazon

Tim Challies has written, “The Power Over Christian Publishing We’ve Given To Amazon.” He’s describing the free-market censoring of books that Amazon deems irredeemable in terms of its Leftist publishing standards. Here’s some of what he wrote: The great problem here is that we Christians have given Amazon immense power over us. As Amazon has grown in its retail domination, [...]

The Real Constitutional Crisis That No One is Talking About

While everyone is questioning Pres. Trump’s conversation with a Ukrainian official about the possible criminal actions of former Vice President Biden and his son’s sweet financial deals, the real constitutional crisis is that billions of dollars, taken from US citizens by force, have been given to foreign governments like Ukraine. Where in the Constitution does it say that elected officials can ta [...]

'Gary and the End of the World' is Now on Amazon Prime

I wrote Last Days Madness in 1988, the 40th anniversary of the dispensational claim that the rapture should have taken place 40 years from 1948. It began as a series of articles I had written. A new publishing company, Wolgemuth & Hyatt, had just started up and was looking for new authors. American Vision eventually got the rights. I followed LDM with several other prophecy books and numerous [...]

Three Church Ships in the Harbor. Which Church Ship Do You Attend?

The following article is written by someone who has watched his denomination stray from its founding principles By an Anonymous Presbyterian The harbor of Protestantism is a great and historic port filled with too many ships to count, but two that immediately catch the eye are the ships “Baptist” and “Charismatic.” They are similar in several ways: both are very large ships, and neither is in the [...]