Children Are Being Taught God is Not Part of Thanksgiving and Socialism is Good

What are children told about Thanksgiving in our nation’s government (public) schools? Who or what are they thanking? Ancient fish that evolutionists claim are our grandmothers? “Grandmother Fish is the first book to teach evolution to preschoolers.” There is no god in the world of evolution. Are children to thank the molecules that evolved from “goo to you”? Grove City College Professor Paul Keng [...]

Presidential Candidate Says the Bible Teaches that Life Begins when a Baby takes a Breath

The Bible, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who claims to be married to a man, justifies abortion up to the point of birth because “there’s [sic] so many parts of the Bible that associate the beginning of life with breath.” Is this true? Does the Bible support this view? About as much as it supports one man marrying another man. Let’s look at the biblical facts. In a previous statement, Buttigieg argued that [...]

The Reason Why the Leftist Media Want to Control Everything

One of the first freedoms found in the First Amendment is “freedom of the press.” The design of this amendment was not so the press could report anything it wanted or leave some things unreported. The goal was so the press would report accurately no matter what political party was in power with no restrictions by the government The press was to be an equal opportunity truth-teller. Thi [...]

Long-Time Friend Unfriends Me Over Trump Support

I put up a reality check on my Facebook page about how Democrat Congressman Earl Blumenauer, was intimidating one of the Democrat’s witnesses who was testifying at the impeachment hearings by calling on Americans to “boycott Provenance properties—including six hotels in downtown Portland—until Sondland testified in a congressional impeachment inquiry.” Sondland said, “We have countless emails, app [...]

What I Sent to a Reporter at The Atlanta Journal-Constitution about Transgender Bathrooms

This week I received an email from a reporter at The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Here’s what she wrote: I’m a reporter with The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. I’m working on a story about transgender students pegged to the appeal of an 11th Circuit Court ruling that allows transgender students to use a bathroom not associated with their birth gender. I’m seeking a diversity of opinions about the [...]

Welcome to My World of Dealing with Bible Prophecy ‘Experts’

I don’t claim to be a Bible prophecy expert. All I claim to be is someone who has looked at Bible prophecy passages and compared them with other similar passages. I’ve done this for more than 40 years. One critic of a video I posted was critical of my comments claiming he had studied Bible prophecy for ten years and knew I was wrong. I commend anyone who has studied anything for ten years. [...]

Pre-Wrath v. Dispensationalism: The 'Rapture' is a Package Deal

As I’ve mentioned in other places, there are five rapture positions. They depend on the belief that the 70th week (seven years) of Daniel’s seventy weeks of years prophecy (490 years) has been postponed. Those who hold to a pre-tribulation rapture position believe the rapture of the church will take place before the seven-year period. Mid-tribbers believe the rapture takes place at the mid-point o [...]

The Bible and Judgment Comings

When the Bible uses the word “coming,” translated from the Greek words parousia (παρουσία) and erchomai (ἔρχομαι). The Greek word parousia (παρουσία) is more accurately translated as “presence” where it is used 24 times in the New Testament. Of these, six uses refer to the physical presence of individuals: Stephanas, Fortunatus, and Achaicus (1 Cor.16:17), Titus (2 Cor. 7:6 [...]

Hillary Clinton Compares the Trumps to King Ahab and Jezebel

Hillary Clinton is at it again. She claims to be a Christian and often quotes from the Bible. In June of 2018, she condemned “those who selectively use the Bible to justify” their political decisions, something she and her follow-Democrats do all the time. She claimed that the Bible is “the biggest influence” on her thinking: At the risk of appearing predictable, the Bible [...]

Is There a Defense for Using Strong Language in an Argument?

Is harsh rhetoric a bad thing? Are there times when it’s OK to let loose with the truth in a way that disturbs some people? I have a saying: “Don’t give anyone a reason to reject your position other than the position itself.” But sometimes reasoned arguments aren’t enough. Often, some people are dismissive of them, like “whatever” or the new “OK Boom [...]

The Consequences of Darwin’s Dangerous Idea

Are some people insane or just becoming more consistent? Every day there is a new story of some whacky group protesting some corporate indiscretion like the use of plastic straws and plastic eating utensils. I can assure you that there are more troubling issues to confront. What’s going on? What’s the root of the problem? Phillip E. Johnson was instrumental in making people aware of th [...]

New Publishing Project on Apologetics in Production and Much More

Since being back at American Vision, we have produced a lot of new material with more to come. The one I’m most excited about is the publication of 22 lectures that Dr. Greg L. Bahnsen gave at American Vision’s Life Preparation Conferences. I listened to them again while driving. They are some of the best material Dr. Bahnsen has given. Greg was at his best as he delivered these talks to high scho [...]

Was Thomas Paine the True Founder of the United States?

One of the kookier historical claims that prevails among anti-Christian groups is that our Founding Fathers were Deists and Thomas Paine was America’s true founder. Deism is a philosophical belief system that claims that God exists but is not involved in the world. While God created all things and set the universe in motion like a wound-up clock, He is no longer involved in its operation. Gi [...]

New York Passes Law to Stop Conservative Churches from Addressing Politics

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed into law a state version of the federal Johnson Amendment that “bars non-profit entities like religious organizations from endorsing candidates or donating to political campaigns.” “Religious organizations” includes churches. NY State Sen. Liz Krueger had this to say about the bill: This is a simple bill that serves an important purpose – to keep in place standard [...]

Anne Graham Lotz Claims We're About to Enter the Gog and Magog War

Based on President Trump’s pullout of troops from Syria, it occurred to Anne Graham Lotz, the daughter of famed evangelist Billy Graham, “that there is a war prophesied in Ezekiel 38 that has not yet taken place. When Gog, the prince of Magog — who some people believe is Putin in Russia — they come down from the north and they align with Turkey and Syria and the Sudan and Libya and the [...]

Former Christian Becomes an Atheist Because of Ken Ham?

The Christian Post is publishing an eight-part series about Christians who are “Leaving Christianity.” The series “explores the reasons why many Americans are rejecting the faith they grew up with.” I have to say that some of the reasons these former professing Christians used to justify their rejection of “the faith once delivered” are pitiful. One has to wonder what kind [...]

'Last Days Madness' is Back in Print. Also Get a FREE Copy of My Special Debate Presentation

Last Days Madness is back in print with some material added. I only added new content where it didn’t mess with the index. I also tightened up some arguments and fixed a few typos, otherwise, it’s the same book. There is, however, a new dramatic cover. Eschatology has had a devastating effect on society. Predictions about the end have a long history, but it was in the 1970s that there [...]

Worldviews and Why They Matter: A Free PDF Presentation

I was searching for something on my computer and I came across a PowerPoint presentation I put together for myself and for a group of second-year law students that they got on a CD. It consists of a collection of material that I’ve saved over the years. It’s not meant to be a comprehensive study of the Christian worldview. It’s a compilation of the elements that make up worldview [...]

Christians Who become Atheists Find It Impossible to Live as Consistent Atheists

The following is from the Christian Post: Ryan J. Bell, former pastor of the Hollywood Adventist Church in California, launched an experiment to live without God on New Year’s Eve in 2013 after preaching for 20 years. A year later, he concluded that God did not exist. Five years into that decision, he admits that for a while he missed Christianity, but not anymore. What I would like to see Bell do [...]

Secularism Cannot Account for Moral Absolutes but Claims to be Absolute

Why does it seem that the world is running amok? It’s simple. We are sinners in need of redemption. How do we know we are sinners? Because there is a fixed set of moral principles by which we can compare our thoughts and actions and adjust our thoughts and actions accordingly. Steadily over time, we’ve convinced ourselves that such fixed moral laws do not exist since there is no way to [...]