Is Politics Outside the Scope of the Christian Worldview?

Is Politics Outside the Scope of the Christian Worldview?

There’s a scene at the end of the film The Martian where Mark Watney (played by Matt Damon) lays out what is inevitable in space travel. It’s a lesson that can and should be applied to every area of life: At some point, everything’s gonna go south on you… Everything’s going to go south and you’re going to say, this is it. This is how I end. Now you can either a [...]

Nancy Pelosi says Democrats are “Very Devoted to the Gospel of Matthew.”

Nancy Pelosi says Democrats are “Very Devoted to the Gospel of Matthew.”

Nancy Pelosi claims that she and the Democrats are devoted to the Gospel of Matthew. Pelosi, who supports laws so women can kill their unborn babies and men can marry men and women can marry women even though the Gospel of Matthew makes it clear that marriage is between one man and one women (Matt. 19:1-6) actually said the following in order to promote government welfare programs: “‘When I was hu [...]

‘Biblical Scholar’ Claims Virus is a Sign of the End

‘Biblical Scholar’ Claims Virus is a Sign of the End

“A biblical scholar said the new coronavirus outbreak is a precursor to End Times prophecies, warning that the pandemic is a ‘very serious foreshadowing’ of what’s to come.” What’s worse? The government of “experts” who have locked down our nation because of a virus or “a biblical scholar” who is misinterpreting the Bible and misleading people on the end times? They are both bad, but misreading th [...]

Swallowing a Camel and Straining Out a Gnat About Famines in Bible Prophecy

Swallowing a Camel and Straining Out a Gnat About Famines in Bible Prophecy

While searching for some information about the relationship between Matthew 24 and Luke 21, I came across a series of articles by Thomas Ice on Matthew 24–25. Ice is a dispensationalist. Thomas and I have debated on numerous occasions. Kenneth Gentry and Ice collaborated on The Great Tribulation: Past or Future? Published by Kregel Publications (1999). Thomas is a good representative of traditiona [...]

Kent State: The End of the 1960s and the Beginning of Something Far Worse

Kent State: The End of the 1960s and the Beginning of Something Far Worse

Shifts in worldviews take time even though single events seem to mark their transition period. Seemingly unrelated events and thoughts work their wizardry to produce unfathomable results. Once the shift has taken place, only a retrospective look will reveal the philosophical ebbs and flows that erode worldview landscapes. The twentieth century began on an optimistic note but quickly lost its ideal [...]

Harmonizing Matthew and Luke on the Destruction of the Temple

Harmonizing Matthew and Luke on the Destruction of the Temple

I find a lot of interesting comments on Facebook. I use it as my research platform. People dig up all kinds of things I most likely would not find on my own. As you most likely know, prophecy is big right now because of geopolitics and a virus that is scaring some people into hiding, not to mention draconian edicts by mayors and governors to keep people from leaving their homes and getting back to [...]

The Rich, Taxes, and the Sin of Envy

The Rich, Taxes, and the Sin of Envy

Liberals are incensed when it is suggested that “the rich” get any type of tax reduction even though the top 50% of wage earners pay 96% of all income taxes. Since they spend more money, the rich also pay a disproportionate amount in sales, property, entertainment, and excise taxes. Without the rich, most people would not have jobs. The first computer my company purchased in the mid-1980s cost $75 [...]

Why Are Many Liberal Women’s Groups Sticking with Biden?

Why Are Many Liberal Women’s Groups Sticking with Biden?

Why are most liberal women’s groups and high profile Democrat women not going after Biden over the sexual assault allegation? Because Democrat politics is all about abortion. They know Biden will vote that women have the right to kill their unborn babies. If some women were sexually assaulted by him, it’s the price that must be paid so they can assault the unborn child for their convenience. [...]

Money is a Coward and Knows Nothing about Patriotism

Money is a Coward and Knows Nothing about Patriotism

A few years ago, George Stephanopoulos (Γεώργιος Στεφανόπουλος), a descendant of Greek immigrant parents, stated that companies that go overseas as a result of high taxes in America are “unpatriotic.” Was it unpatriotic for Greeks to leave their home country to find a better life in the United States? When they left Greece, they ended up not paying any Greek taxes. How unpatriotic! Are today’s imm [...]

Is Modern-Day Iran in Bible Prophecy?

Is Modern-Day Iran in Bible Prophecy?

I posted a few comments on Mark Hitchcock’s site where he was promoting his third (or is it his fourth) book on Iran and Bible prophecy. I can’t find what I posted, so I’ll post some of what I wrote there. First, Mark Hitchcock writes a lot of books on Bible prophecy from a dispensational premillennial point of view and gets them published by Harvest House and Thomas Nelson. His [...]

My Two Very Different Encounters on the Topic of Bible Prophecy

My Two Very Different Encounters on the Topic of Bible Prophecy

Late Sunday evening, I returned from Idaho after doing two full days of content projects for American Vision. Upon arriving in Atlanta very late that evening I took the shuttle to where my car was parked. I don’t know how the conversation with the driver started, but she made a comment about how our nation was moving toward socialism. I agreed with her. Then she brought up that we were most likely [...]

The Rise of the Divine State in a Time of Crisis

The Rise of the Divine State in a Time of Crisis

A crisis can lead people to make bad decisions. In a time political crisis, the people of Israel chose Saul as their savior-king even after being told what tyranny he would bring on the nation (1 Sam. 8). The Jewish leadership, when given the opportunity to embrace Jesus as their king, the cried out, “We have no king but Caesar” (John 19:15). That choice had a devastating effect on the [...]

Cleaning Toilet E-Mailer Responds

Cleaning Toilet E-Mailer Responds

The response to the article on “Homeschoolers are Only Good for Cleaning Toilets” drew a huge response from homeschool students and parents from all over the country. It was also picked up by other web sites and homeschool organizations. I am amazed at the wonderful accomplishments of so many young people and the dedication of their parents. The e-mailer who made the “cleaning toilets” remark has [...]

'Homeschoolers are only good for cleaning toilets'

Homeschooling is in the news. Because of the Coronavirus, the schools are shut down and parents must now homeschool their children. Long before this happened, a number of radical Leftists teaching at some of our nation’s most “prestigious” educational institutions, are calling for the elimination of homeschooling or severely regulating it. See my article “Leftists HATE Home [...]

Leftists HATE Homeschooling, and What They Hate, You Should Love

Leftists HATE Homeschooling, and What They Hate, You Should Love

You may not have seen the article in Harvard Magazine with the title “The Risks of Homeschooling” written by Erin O’Donnell. Risks to whom? Risks to the Messianic State. There can’t be any competition with the State and its total-control agenda by any other government, including the family, and the family is a government. The following image went along with the article: Two observations. When the [...]

The Day Governments Made the Earth Stand Still

The Day Governments Made the Earth Stand Still

One of my favorite science fiction films is the 1951 classic The Day the Earth Stood Still starring Michael Rennie, Patricia Neal, and Billy Gray who went on to star as Bud in Father Knows Best. The film is based on Harry Bates’s 1940 short story “Farewell to the Master.” The film version differs considerably from the short story. The setting is the Cold War era. There is a Cold War reference by F [...]

How Essential is the Federal Government?

How Essential is the Federal Government?

My friend Darren Doane, creator of the film Collision and producer of many of my videos on eschatology, posted the following on Facebook: Here was my response: The fact that the Federal Government has not been able to stop the spread of a virus means it’s not essential. My comment seems to have hit a nerve. Someone made a meme out of it: Defining someone’s job as “non-essential” is the epitome of [...]

The Mark of the Beast and Buying and Selling

The Mark of the Beast and Buying and Selling

In a recent sermon, Pastor David Jeremiah called the COVID-19 pandemic “the most apocalyptic thing that has ever happened to us.” Really? Not the black plague that killed 30 to 60 percent of Europe’s population, two world wars, ((Some 75 million people died in World War II, including about 20 million military personnel and 40 million civilians, many of whom died from deliberate genocide, massacres [...]

How Atheists Lie About History

How Atheists Lie About History

In 2000 Years of Disbelief: Famous People with the Courage to Doubt the author makes the following claim: For anyone scanning the past and surveying the current world scene, it is nearly impossible to find any outstanding person—except for popes, archbishops, kings, and other rulers—who says the purpose of life is to be saved by an invisible Jesus and to enter an invisible heaven. But it is easy t [...]

What Will Prophecy Speculators Think of Next?

What Will Prophecy Speculators Think of Next?

For some Christians, the plain sense of the Bible has become irrelevant when it comes to prophetic speculation. They ignore the obvious and dwell on the superfluous. Actually, the utter ridiculous. The late David Chilton told the story about a discussion he had with a woman on the topic of Bible prophecy. He wasn’t getting anywhere with her, so for fun, he told her that the publisher for som [...]