The Religious Nature of this Present Revolution

The Religious Nature of this Present Revolution

This present revolution, and it is a revolution, has a long history going back centuries in other parts of the world but has been fomenting in the United States for some decades. There have always been socialistic and communistic movements in the United States. For the most part they have been made up of fringe factions. Revolutions are religious in nature. There is always an appeal to some new ve [...]

The Latest Attack on ‘White Culture’ With Our Tax Dollars and Woke Donors Has Nothing to do With Black Lives

The Latest Attack on ‘White Culture’ With Our Tax Dollars and Woke Donors Has Nothing to do With Black Lives

The George Floyd incident was the spark that lit a firestorm. Long before his tragic death, there had been an undercurrent of anti-American, anti-White, and anti-Christianity. The goal is total repudiation of Christian civilization in the name of racial justice and white privilege. The thing of it is, those who are calling for this cultural eradication are in dire need of that culture. The very th [...]

Georgia Governor Should Declare Unborn Babies ‘Persons’ and Shut Down All Abortuaries

Georgia Governor Should Declare Unborn Babies ‘Persons’ and Shut Down All Abortuaries

“A federal judge permanently blocked Georgia’s 2019 pro-life ‘heartbeat’ law, which prohibits abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected, ruling that it violates the Constitution.” Governor Brian Kemp says that he’s going to appeal the unconstitutional and anti-life decision. Don’t appeal. Just shut down the places doing abortions. Treat abortion the way slavery should have been tre [...]

Is It OK for Christians to Push Back Against Authoritarian Governments and Other Wickedness?

Is It OK for Christians to Push Back Against Authoritarian Governments and Other Wickedness?

Those who forsake the law praise the wicked, But such as keep the law contend with them (Prov 28:4). A righteous man who falters before the wicked Is like a murky spring and a polluted well. (Prov. 25:26) The Left is always pushing back against government policies they do not like. There’s a right way and a wrong way to do this. Burning, looting, and killing are not the right ways. [...]

Are Christians Wrong About Homosexuality?

Are Christians Wrong About Homosexuality?

Jen Hatmaker recently celebrated her daughter’s choice to engage in a same-sex relationship, saying, “I’m so glad you’re gay. I’m so glad you’re free. I’m so glad this is how you were made. I’m thrilled about your future. I already told you about the kind of wife you need to marry.” Jen Hatmaker is an American Christian author, speaker, blogger, and television presenter. She has been feature [...]

Conservatives and Constitutionalists Are Too Quiet and Compliant

Conservatives and Constitutionalists Are Too Quiet and Compliant

The Tea Party Movement was peaceful and respectful. No one was beaten, burned, or shot. What did it accomplish? Not much. We still have a weak GOP that refuses to fight back. Yes, there are a few outspoken Republicans, but not enough to counter the Democrat Party mob. Conservatives generally do not march in the streets and make demands. We follow the rules because we know that revolutions lead to [...]

Does Anything Matter if This is True?

Does Anything Matter if This is True?

We’re being told today that this matters and that matters, but without God nothing matters. Few people want to acknowledge that what we see happening today is a manifestation of the eternally present without any regard with the eternally just since there is no longer an ultimate Judge to judge. For example: CNN’s Chris Cuomo ended a recent program telling viewers that America doesn’t need God; tha [...]

Jesus, the Mob, Surrender, and Cowardice

Jesus, the Mob, Surrender, and Cowardice

Though you pound a fool in a mortar with a pestle along with crushed grain, Yet his foolishness will not depart from him (Prov. 27:22). Lessons can be drawn from every event in the Bible because human nature has not changed since Cain killed Abel. Consider that Jesus fed thousands, healed the lame and blind, and even raised people from the dead. Even so, there were those among the religious and po [...]

Mount Rushmore’s Forgotten History

Mount Rushmore’s Forgotten History

It began with Confederate monuments, now it’s any historical figure who was not perfect, including our nation’s founders who, although not perfect like all of us, created a system of government to fix the imperfect. The latest attack is on Mount Rushmore. Some want it blown to pieces and others want it dismantled piece by piece. Where were all the protests in 2008 when then presidential candidate [...]

Black Activist Wants John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’ as our New National Anthem

Black Activist Wants John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’ as our New National Anthem

Black activist and journalist Kevin Powell wants to replace The Star Spangled Banner with John Lennon’s song Imagine, a song extoling atheism and the abolition of private property. It’s a Marxist’s dream anthem. Has he ever listened to the words? Every millionaire black person would have to divest himself or herself of billions of dollars. In addition to imagining no religion, Imagine also include [...]

Two Bibles, Their Notes, and the Present Crisis

Two Bibles, Their Notes, and the Present Crisis

Almost daily I engage in Facebook battles with people who continue to cling to the unbiblical view that we are living in the last days and go through a long series of modifications to what the text of Scripture actually states to keep their end-time beliefs alive. It’s amazing to see the hoops they jump through to maintain their unsupportable belief systems. You can even find such flimsy arguments [...]

Woodrow Wilson Was a Democrat, Friend of the KKK, and a Racist

Woodrow Wilson Was a Democrat, Friend of the KKK, and a Racist

Finally there’s something that I can agree with the liberal student crybabies. For some time now some students at Princeton University have opposed Woodrow Wilson — a Democrat — who served as president of Princeton from 1902 to 1910 and as the 28th President of the United States. Because of the iconoclasm going on around the country, Wilson’s reputation is coming under scrutiny: Princeton Un [...]

Prophecy Author Claims ‘Israel being reborn’ is ‘God’s super sign’ for the Rapture

Prophecy Author Claims ‘Israel being reborn’ is ‘God’s super sign’ for the Rapture

Glenn Beck’s The Blaze published an article with the following title: “Best-selling Christian author looks for answers about the end times, says ‘Israel being reborn’ is ‘God’s super sign.’” This isn’t a new view, but it is an outdated view that cannot be found in the Bible. The idea of Israel becoming a nation again is a “super sign” leading up to the so-called rapture was advocated by the late p [...]

The Goal is to Keep Racial Grievances Alive Forever

The Goal is to Keep Racial Grievances Alive Forever

Every revolution begins with lofty concerns but most often ends in violence, bloodshed, loss of freedom, and long-term despotism — from the French Revolution to the Cuban Revolution and every revolution in between and since (China and Venezuela). David Chilton writes the following in Part One of his review summary of James H. Billington’s Fire in the Minds of Men: In many ways, the French Revoluti [...]

Tearing Down What’s Left of Christian Civilization

Tearing Down What’s Left of Christian Civilization

First it was the removal of Confederate statues and monuments. Next, it was Christopher Columbus. Then it was George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, and even Abraham Lincoln. More are to come, and they will never be finished. The next target? John Nolte says Mount Rushmore may not survive. All pictures of white Jesus because Shaun King says Jesus was not white, thus, a white-looking [...]

Chick-fil-A’s Dan Cathy Should Stop Shining Shoes and Start Schools

Chick-fil-A’s Dan Cathy Should Stop Shining Shoes and Start Schools

Dan Cathy, current CEO and the son of Chick-fil-A founder S. Truett Cathy, said that white Christians should repent for racism and fight for their black brothers and sisters. He punctuated his demand by shining the shoes of a black man. “That will stop racial injustice,” I said sarcastically. If you are racist. Repent. If you are not a racist, there is no requirement to repent. If you [...]

SCOTUS Must Prove There are More Than Two Genders for the Latest Ruling to be Law

SCOTUS Must Prove There are More Than Two Genders for the Latest Ruling to be Law

The latest Supreme Decision Bostock v. Clayton County (Georgia) on homosexual/transgender rights turned Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 on its head by declaring that same-sex sexual behaviors and transgender claims are comparable to a person’s race and that there are more than two sexes. The Civil Rights Act was well intentioned but would later open a Pandora’s Box of unintended (and int [...]

Judge Gorsuch’s Wrong-Headed Opinion on Homosexuality Was no Surprise to Me

Judge Gorsuch’s Wrong-Headed Opinion on Homosexuality Was no Surprise to Me

Judge John Roberts showed his colors on Obamacare. He was never a man to be trusted. Judge Kavanaugh was always a wild card, but on his latest vote, he surprised me. I never trusted Gorsuch, and I said so when he was first nominated. The following is some of what I wrote on why he was not going to be a good choice for the court. On a side note, the latest ruling regarding a new definition of “sex” [...]

My Wife and I Had to Call 911 Last Night

My Wife and I Had to Call 911 Last Night

It was 10:45 PM. My wife thought she heard the doorbell ring. She thought she was dreaming. Now wide awake, she heard it again. I had my noise-cancelling headphones, so I didn’t hear anything. I got up. Retrieved my gun and made my way slowly to the front door. Our property has a number of bright lights so it’s easy to see what’s going on outside without having to turn on our por [...]

How Black Americans Can Save Our Nation

How Black Americans Can Save Our Nation

What we are seeing happening in and to our nation is nothing new. The ideologies driving the revolution have been around for a long time. The universities are filled with ideological radicals aligned more with Marx and Marcuse than Burke and Kirk. Their radical ideas have trickled down to the high school level where multiple generations have been polluted with dangerous and counter-productive idea [...]