Countering the Culture of Wokeness

Countering the Culture of Wokeness

Using the right word to get an unfamiliar and sometimes unpopular and counter-culture idea across to people is tactical. If someone wants to hide what is really going on, words that can mean almost anything are often used to serve as an ideological cover for repressive programs and ideologies. The word “gay” and the use of a rainbow flag offer cover for what the practice of homosexuality is all ab [...]

Economic Ignorance is Making Us Poor

Economic Ignorance is Making Us Poor

If you are going to debate a topic, it’s important that you define terms. So much of what our government does is based on muddied definitions of terms. You almost never hear the words “abortion” and “homosexuality” by advocates of these practices. They choose terms to obscure what really takes during an abortion and what kind of sex homosexuals engage in. To mask what is really going on, they lead [...]

Criminals Laugh at Gun Control Laws

Criminals Laugh at Gun Control Laws

The House of Representatives and Senate are considering more expansive gun control bills considering the latest school shooting in Texas. These school shootings are horrific and evil. The parents of these children are devastated as I would be. I can’t imagine the anguish they must feel. Some Republicans joined past gun control bills and some of them are working with the Democrats to enact even mor [...]

Pray and Act

Pray and Act

There are many more Christians who gave up on politics after the election of Ronald Reagan didn’t bring in the millennium or something close to it. And when George H. W. Bush got elected, and Bill Clinton got elected twice, and George W. Bush turned out to be a huge disappointment, hopelessness set in. All that work, and for what? Christians who are experiencing political remorse are really suffer [...]

Pro-Abortion Arguments are Failing Miserably

Pro-Abortion Arguments are Failing Miserably

I saw the following on CSPAN. Catherine Glenn Foster, who serves as President and CEO of Americans United for Life, responded to comments made by DEMOCRAT Representative Jamie Raskin about abortion and rape and incest exceptions that account for less than one percent of all abortions. That means that more than 99 percent of all abortions are elective abortions. Raskin believes abortions should be [...]

A Lesson in Apologetics from King Jeroboam

A Lesson in Apologetics from King Jeroboam

Now behold, a man of God came from Judah to Bethel by the word of the LORD, while Jeroboam was standing at the altar to burn incense. And he cried out against the altar by the word of the LORD and said, “Altar, altar, this is what the LORD says: ‘Behold, a son shall be born to the house of David, Josiah by name; and on you he shall sacrifice the priests of the high places who burn incense on you, [...]

How Blacks Became Political Slaves to Democrats

How Blacks Became Political Slaves to Democrats

When the master of Frederick Douglass (1818–1895) discovered that his wife was teaching his 12-year-old slave to read the Bible, he stopped her. “If he learns to read the Bible it will make him ever unfit to be a slave,” her husband said. In no time “he’ll be running away with himself.” In his later years, Douglass reflected on that incident as the first antislavery lecture he had ever heard, and [...]

Frank Schaeffer: Reductio ad Hitlerum

Frank Schaeffer: Reductio ad Hitlerum

Reductio ad Hitlerum (Latin for “reduction to Hitler”), also known as playing the Nazi card, is an attempt to invalidate someone’s position by claiming the same view was held by Adolf Hitler or the Nazi Party. For example, the Alliance Defending Freedom released audio of a Colorado commission member who compared a Christian baker who refused to make a cake for a homosexual wedding this way: “Freed [...]

The Abortion Roaches are Coming into the Light

The Abortion Roaches are Coming into the Light

Listen to the podcast based on this article. The abortion roaches have come out in broad daylight since the preliminary SCOTUS Roe v. Wade ruling was surreptitiously leaked to Politico. The abortion roaches are in a full-scale panic like when the light comes on when you’re looking for an after-midnight snack from the kitchen. But in the case of the abortion roaches, they are not retreating to thei [...]

Yes, There are Giants in the Land

Yes, There are Giants in the Land

It’s been said repeatedly that ideas have consequences. This is no less true of prophetic ideas. What a person believes about the future impacts how he lives in the present and plans for the days and years to come. We often look at present circumstances and see them as the standard to evaluate where we are in the world. Of course, we’re not the first generation to do this (Num. 13–14), but it seem [...]

Are There Signs Preceding the 'Rapture'? No and Yes

Are There Signs Preceding the 'Rapture'? No and Yes

In addition to dispensationalism’s insistence that in the New Testament God’s redemptive program changed from Israel to a new entity called “the Church,” another fundamental principle of dispensationalism is that there are no prophetic signs prior to the fictional “rapture.” Not one. Zilch. Nada. None. This is because, according to dispensationalists, the Church had its beginning at Pentecost. At [...]

What 'Giving Up God' Means

What 'Giving Up God' Means

Author Shalom Auslander wrote, “In This Time of War, I Propose We Give Up God.” The article was published on Good Friday of this year in the New York Times as an op-ed. Auslander claims that God is responsible for “war and violence” and for “oppression and suffering.” Because of these character traits, he suggests that people stop teaching children about God. In 1986, the NBC television network pr [...]

"His Feet Will Stand on the Mount of Olives": A Commentary

"His Feet Will Stand on the Mount of Olives": A Commentary

For some time, I have been working on a commentary on Zechariah 14. It’s tough going. There aren’t that many good commentaries on Zechariah that aren’t dispensational. Dispensationalists have an advantage because in their view everything happens after the so-called rapture of the church. All other interpretations must find historical markers to account for their interpretation. Some argue for a se [...]

The Three Days and Three Nights Controversy

The Three Days and Three Nights Controversy

There has been considerable debate over the best way to interpret the three-days and three-nights language of Matthew 12:40, either as three 24-hour days of exactly 72 hours or parts of three days and three nights. Because you can’t get three full days if the count begins on Friday, some interpreters have argued for a two-Sabbath approach and a crucifixion on Wednesday and a resurrection on Saturd [...]

We're Becoming a National 'Indian Reservation'

We're Becoming a National 'Indian Reservation'

While at the April 9th Cross Politic event in Rapid City, South Dakota, I participated in a political forum with three Republican candidates: Steven Haugaard, a member of the South Dakota House of Representatives, representing District 10, running for Governor; State Representative Taffy Howard, also a member of the South Dakota House of Representatives, representing District 33, running for the U [...]

The Beast of Revelation

The Beast of Revelation

The following is the Foreword I wrote for J.D. King’s book The Beast of Revelation: Unraveling the Mystery. There’s a major shift taking place in eschatology in the broader Christian community. If the shift takes hold, we could see a major change in the way Christians understand eschatology. The Beast of Revelation will help get the message out to those often unreached by Reformed Theology. &ndash [...]

It’s Not Marx—It’s Gramsci

It’s Not Marx—It’s Gramsci

Today’s Marxism has little to do with Karl Marx. Marxism in its purest form is an attack on capitalism, not culture. Once workers united against their capitalist exploiters, so the argument goes, the inevitability of Communism would be realized, and everyone would be equal with no exploitation. During the panel discussion that I participated in at Liberty University during the Falkirk Faith Summit [...]

Animal Behavior Is Not Our Moral Standard

Animal Behavior Is Not Our Moral Standard

President Joe Biden nominated a man to be his assistant secretary of Health and Human Services who thinks, dresses, goes by the name Rachel Levine and acts like he’s a real woman. Now USA Today has nominated him/her as “Woman of the Year.” The party of science is willing to ignore science when it needs to satisfy a voting contingency—the Alphabet People—and work to upend the moral world order. Whe [...]

"Human Life Has Absolutely No Meaning"

"Human Life Has Absolutely No Meaning"

If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the truth of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at the moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christ. — Attributed to Martin Luther Yuval Noah Harari is Jewish, an atheist, and a homosexual (these are relevant for what follows). He is an Israe [...]

Smiley-Face Fascism

Smiley-Face Fascism

We’ve been taught that fascism is a foreign-born ideology that spawned the political aspirations of Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler. In reality, fascism has had a long history in America and has been resurrected by people who believe that power guided by good intentions can do no harm. They are ignorant of history and human nature. We don’t have to go abroad to find examples of fascism. Fascism [...]