One Wrong Step Messes Up Your Eschatology

One Wrong Step Messes Up Your Eschatology

The first time I read through the NT, beginning with Matthew’s gospel in 1973, I came across passages like Matthew 10:23, 16:27-28, and 24:34 that did not fit the popular end-time views of the day. At the time, in the early 1970s, Hal Lindsey’s The Late Great Planet Earth (TLGPE) was a massive best seller. “Despite some dated content, 28 million copies had sold by 1990.” In an off-handed way (so a [...]

Leftist Selective Outrage Over Rosaries, Flags, and Words

Leftist Selective Outrage Over Rosaries, Flags, and Words

When the political party supported by the Left is in power, leftists believe any criticism of their policies is like an armed insurrection. The protests by some on January 6, 2021, have been depicted as a full-scale revolution designed to take over the existing government while numerous violent protests, burned buildings, and dead police officers across the United States in the past two years have [...]

Can Christians Judge People Outside the Church?

Can Christians Judge People Outside the Church?

There’s a Christian on Facebook who keeps using 1 Corinthians 5:12-13 to defend his claim that Christians cannot and should not judge people who are not Christians. This means that if a homosexual asks for a cake or flowers for a same-sex wedding, the Christian baker and the Christian florist must comply based on the following: “For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Do you not judge those [...]

Black Elites Promote Abortion in the Name of God

Black Elites Promote Abortion in the Name of God

The “Rev.” Al Sharpton urged Democrats to “message” abortion “in a way that it is about choice. It’s not about saying … I support abortion or not.” For Sharpton, abortion (killing babies developing in their mother’s womb) is about “whether they’re going to have a safe abortion [killing unborn babies]. We always had abortions [women killing their unborn babies/we also always had slavery], but we ha [...]

Kicking Against the Prophetic Pricks

Kicking Against the Prophetic Pricks

In an interview I did a few days ago, I mentioned that it’s difficult for people to change their views when confronted with contrary evidence, especially when there are many credible and influential people who teach a popular position. This is especially true of Bible prophecy. Since I first wrote on the topic of eschatology in the 1980s, Bible prophecy has become a hot subject again similar to th [...]

Is Satan the 'God of This World'?

Is Satan the 'God of This World'?

Christians will use all types of excuses to keep themselves out of today’s religious-moral-cultural battles. One of the most diabolical excuses is to claim that Satan is the rightful god of this world. This translates into believing that this world is demonic. Let’s see what the Bible actually says about this. Satan is a creature. Like all creatures, he has certain limitations. Even under the Old [...]

My Online Exchange with More Last Days Madness

My Online Exchange with More Last Days Madness

The following is a brief exchange I had with two people in the comment section who were responding to Dr. Michael Brown’s article “What does the Bible say about the end of the age?” on the Christian Post site (watch for an upcoming podcast for my comments on Dr. Brown’s article). I don’t answer every point these commenters make. If you want more specific answers, see my books Is Jesus Coming Soon? [...]

Failed Attempts to Discredit the Bible on Homosexuality

Failed Attempts to Discredit the Bible on Homosexuality

I saw the following post on Facebook by a woman who identifies as a Christian. It’s typical of the barely literate when it comes to the Bible: “Jesus said absolutely nothing about homosexuality.” Following this line of argument, that if Jesus didn’t say it, it’s not a law, one could claim that tripping blind people, rape, pedophilia, cannibalism, not having a fence around an open pit or roof, kidn [...]

The Impact of Christianity on the Western World

The Impact of Christianity on the Western World

The church has a long history of applying the Bible to all of life. “Throughout American history, the moral principles of Judeo-Christian ethics have been used as one of many effective tools to evaluate and reform a wide variety of social structures, and have continued to be invoked in political debates.”[1] This perspective is best exemplified in the life and work of the Puritans who applied the [...]

'This Generation' = Only the Generation of Jesus’ Day

'This Generation' = Only the Generation of Jesus’ Day

What you’ve read up to this point (here and here) is enough to refute Hicks’ claims that “this generation” refers to “trans-historical people” that “includes (past generations) tied to Cain, through to the contemporaries of Jesus, and will extend down until the return of Christ.” There are a few more issues that need to be discussed. Early in his 26-page article he refers to me and other preterist [...]

'This Generation' as a Single Generation in Jesus’ Day

'This Generation' as a Single Generation in Jesus’ Day

Ian Hicks has a novel interpretation of the meaning of “this generation.” While he believes the phrase applies to the generation of Jesus’ day, he also claims it refers to “trans-historical people [that] includes (past generations) tied to Cain, through to the contemporaries of Jesus, and will extend down until the return of Christ. My view of genea,” Hicks argues, “is not limited to a singular gr [...]

Is "This Generation" Past or Future?

Is "This Generation" Past or Future?

The following is the beginning of a multipart response to an article by Ian Hicks who argues against a preterist interpretation of the meaning of “this generation.” Keep in mind that numerous scholars who do not identify as preterists argue that Jesus’ use of “this generation” refers to the generation of His contemporaries. See Chapter 10 in my book Wars and Rumors of Wars. It’s a high bar to clea [...]

The Enlightenment Tempered by Christianity

The Enlightenment Tempered by Christianity

What impact did the Enlightenment have on America’s Christian heritage? The big-name founders get most of the attention who, like Jefferson, did not argue in an ideological vacuum. The Christian roots of America’s founding run deep. For example, James Madison studied under the guidance of the Scottish Presbyterian minister Donald Robertson, “whom he later said, ‘all that I have been in life I owe [...]

Humanists Have Captured the Vision of Christian Education

Humanists Have Captured the Vision of Christian Education

A lack of a comprehensive biblical worldview has left Christians open to a blind-side attack from humanists who have developed a comprehensive secular worldview. The adjective secular comes from the Latin saeculum, which means “time” or “age.” “To call someone secular means he is completely time-bound, totally a child of his age, a creature of history, with no vision of eternity. Unable to see any [...]

Biblical Worldview in the Particulars (Part Two)

Biblical Worldview in the Particulars (Part Two)

Click here to read the first part of this article While most Christians would claim that they have a biblical worldview, I suspect that many of them could not (1) explain what a worldview is or (2) what the particulars of a biblical worldview are beyond personal salvation, keeping some of God’s commandments, and working to raise children in a Christian home. These, of course, are good worldview st [...]

A Legacy of Reformed Worldview Thinking (Part One)

A Legacy of Reformed Worldview Thinking (Part One)

Abraham Kuyper’s Lectures on Calvinism Students at Reformed Theological Seminary where I graduated in 1979 who were interested in cultural Calvinism were directed to Abraham Kuyper’s 1898 Lectures on Calvinism. It was here that we were told that we would find a fully developed, comprehensive, biblical world-and-life view. Kuyper’s brand of Calvinism has been described as the “only modern exception [...]

Prophecy ‘Experts’ Who Cried “Wolf!”

Prophecy ‘Experts’ Who Cried “Wolf!”

History is filled with prophecy speculators who claimed that some form of the end was on the horizon. “When Mark Twain was in London, a rumor of his death or imminent death reached the editor of the New York Journal, who sent its London correspondent the following cablegrams: ‘IF MARK TWAIN [IS] DYING IN POVERTY IN LONDON SEND 500 WORDS’ and ‘IF MARK TWAIN HAS DIED IN POVERTY SEND 1000 WORDS. [...]

The Impact AV is Having

The Impact AV is Having

Over the years, American Vision has had an impact on Christians from all over the world. It’s humbling to learn that your life’s work has meaning for other people. It’s especially gratifying and encouraging to learn that fellow Christians have gained a greater purpose because of the work of American Vision. The following is an email American Vision received. I’ve asked Neil if it would be OK to pu [...]

What Jehovah’s Witnesses and Last Days Advocates Have in Common

What Jehovah’s Witnesses and Last Days Advocates Have in Common

My friend Robert Cruickshank sent me a copy of a letter he received from a Jehovah’s Witness. It sounded so much like what we hear from Christians pushing the claim that we are living in the last days. I’m writing because as you know we are living in what the [Bible] refers to as the last days of this system of things, which begs this question; what’s next? Please a moment of your time to read wha [...]

Countering the Culture of Wokeness

Countering the Culture of Wokeness

Using the right word to get an unfamiliar and sometimes unpopular and counter-culture idea across to people is tactical. If someone wants to hide what is really going on, words that can mean almost anything are often used to serve as an ideological cover for repressive programs and ideologies. The word “gay” and the use of a rainbow flag offer cover for what the practice of homosexuality is all ab [...]