Homosexual Penguins and Human Sexuality

A German zoo was planning to introduce male penguins into a group of female penguins because the female penguins seem to be attracted to one another. Homosexual rights groups are angry with the plan because theybelieve the zoo’s actions are trying to turn the penguins straight. Here’s the premise: Whatever animals do in nature is natural. What’s natural is normal. What’s normal is moral. So if pen [...]

A Fool's Wager - Does the Bible Condemn Homosexual Marriage?

State representative Alvin Holmes (D–Montgomery, Ala.) is putting his money where his worldview is. He is offering $5000 to anyone who can prove the Bible actually condemns homosexual marriage. Of course, it’s quite easy to prove the Bible does not support homosexual marriage, so why would a man make such a preposterous wager? No matter what evidence you put before him, he will explain it away, be [...]

John Adams Under the Historical Microscope

One of the difficulties in answering Brooke Allen’s “Our Godless Constitution,” which appeared on The Nation’s website on February 3rd, is that her sources are not footnoted.[1] There’s no way of identifying the context. Any piece of literature can be made to say anything if it’s taken out of context. The most famous, of course, is the biblical statement, “There is no god” (Ps. 14:1). In addition [...]

Did George Bush Lie About America Being Founded on Christian Principles?

“The lesson the President has learned best—and certainly the one that has been the most useful to him—is the axiom that if you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it. One of his Administration’s current favorites is the whopper about America having been founded on Christian principles. Our nation was founded not on Christian principles but on Enlightenment ones. God only entered the pic [...]

Has Cave Theology Captured the Church?

Bible studies thrive in every neighborhood across the United States. Washington, D.C., abounds with prayer breakfasts. The president of the United States goes to church and carries a Bible. The Bible remains the nation’s top seller. Although a number of prominent religious hucksters have left the airwaves, television and radio remain filled with religious programming. There are reports that [...]

In the State We Trust

I’ve been watching the debate over privatizing some parts of Social Security and have been amazed at the reaction of liberals. The head of NOW does not support any type of privatization. When she was asked to explain her position in light of her pro-abortion stance of “choice,” she offered a smile and said the government is needed to protect citizens in their retirement years. Bu [...]

Cut the Bible Some Slack

In response to one of my articles, I received the following email: I am 46 years old and I was raised as a Christian and never doubted that the Bible was the true word of God. . . . Please read the following passage and tell me how the statement could possibly be true if the writers of the Bible knew the Earth was round: “The tree grew, and was strong, and the height thereof reached unto heaven, a [...]

Hypocrites or Hippocrates?

Death penalty opponents are protesting the use of doctors in executing criminals convicted of capital crimes. Because of the medicinal way executions are carried out in our more civilized day, doctors are needed to assist the administration of the deadly chemical cocktail that sends the condemned on his way to His Maker. The doctors do not actually inject the drugs. The Department of Corrections i [...]

The Immoral Implications of Evolution

In the 1925 “Scope’s Trial,” the defendant, John Scopes taught from “an approved school text called A Civic Biology by George Hunter.”[1] The book is not so much a scientific defense of Darwinism but a rehearsal of “Darwinism’s social implications. In particular, chapter seventeen discusses the application to human society of “the laws of selection” and approves the eugenic policies and scientific [...]

Always the Naysayers: The Iraqi Election and Beyond

Humphrey Bogart, playing the hard-boiled detective Philip Marlow, had some great lines in the film adaptation of Raymond Chandler’s novel The Big Sleep. This is one of my favorites: “He’ll kick my teeth out, and then punch me in the stomach for mumbling.” No matter what happens, even when the bad guy does it to him, Marlowe can’t win. They’ll be no satisfying the opposition even when the oppositio [...]

Why We Need the Rich: Part 'Duh'

Writing a daily column for this website is a perilous enterprise. While most of the emails I get in response are complimentary, there are always a few spoilers. One letter writer was stridently opposed to my article on “Why We Need Rich People”. Like most socialists, he quotes the Bible sparingly and most often out of context. Here was my response (with some modifications): Dear Chris, Thanks for [...]

Scamming the Theists

Leftist pundit Bill Press, a political commentator for MSNBC, has weighed in on the Cobb County, Georgia, evolution controversy.[1] Press begins by assailing the 1925 Scopes Trial: “The debate over evolution in public schools should have ended right then and there—or, if not, in 1968, when the Supreme Court finally ruled that banning evolution and teaching creationism violated the First Amendment [...]

Using the Bible to Contradict the Bible

You’ve got to hand it to liberals. They can speak out of both sides of their mouth at the same time and express shock when people notice. The most recent display of double talk comes from Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich who signed the latest “sexual orientation” provision into law. “This legislation sends a clear message that we will not allow our citizens to be discriminated against,” Blagojevi [...]

Is Nazism Returning to Germany?

Germany is using Gestapo tactics against Christian families who want to educate their children at home. If talks with German officials break down, there’s a good chance that the children will be taken from their parents and turned over to the State. All of this sounds frightenly familiar. We’ve seen this before. By capturing the youth through education, Adolph Hitler knew that his dreams of [...]

Forcing Their Hand

Michael Newdow and other anti-Christian crazies want every reference to Christianity removed from the sight line of all Americans. It’s time that we forced their hand. Their creeping incrementalism has kept us off guard, bleeding us to death with a million small cuts. And since the majority of Americans probably don’t care one way or another whether the president is permitted to have a [...]

Reaping the Whirlwind: The Dawn of Monkey Morality

Belief in evolution is not a harmless enterprise. Pro-active evolutionary propagandists claim that the debate over origins is purely about science: They have the science, and creationists don’t; it’s that simple. But it’s not. There are specific ethical implications that follow from believing and applying the major tenets of the evolutionary religion to life. The late Stephen Jay [...]

It Depends on Who's Doing the Preaching and Politicking

We just celebrated Martin Luther King Day. One aspect of King’s legacy that is often ignored by the mainstream press and liberal political pundits is that King was a minister. “As much as a civil activist as he was, as much as he did, Dr. King was a preacher,” said the Rev. Alexis Thomas of Pilgrim Rest Church in Phoenix. “Everything he did in society flowed out of the well of his relationship wit [...]

Cobb County's Atheistic Curriculum

An editorial that appeared in The Marietta Daily Journal stated, “Judge [Clarence] Cooper’s ruling does not mean there is no God, or that one cannot believe in some combination of both evolution and God, or that after having learned the basics of evolution theory, that Cobb students cannot then choose to believe instead in creationism.” Students can believe anything they want, but they are being t [...]

Social Security: The World's Largest (Legal) Chain Letter

When Social Security was implemented, the maximum amount any one person paid into the system was $60 per year—a total of two percent from employee and employer of a maximum $3000 per year. Today, the percentage is around 14% on $80,000+ per year. This compulsory “tax” is said to be a “contribution,” as in the “employers contribution portion of Social Security.” Try telling the Social Security Admi [...]

Michael Newdow is at it Again

Michael Newdow is about to become as famous as Madelyn Murray O’Hair. For some of our younger readers, O’Hair was instrumental in getting prayer removed from public schools.[1] In a 1963 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a government sponsored prayer was unconstitutional. This has led to the banning of all things religious from public schools. The decision made O’Hair the cou [...]