Elon Musk Says Social Security is a Ponzi Scheme

Elon Musk Says Social Security is a Ponzi Scheme

Please help us reach $10K in donations for a matching grant Elon Musk, head of the “Department of Government Efficiency” (DOGE), described Social Security as a “Ponzi scheme” on “The Joe Rogan Experience” podcast. Democrats and other Leftists denounced the “Ponzi scheme” claim. Apparently, they don’t know what a Ponzi scheme is: A Ponzi scheme is a form of fraud that lures investors and pays profi [...]

What a Black Pastor Called Blacks Who Support Trump

What a Black Pastor Called Blacks Who Support Trump

Please help us reach $10K in donations for a matching grant The racial divide in the United States is wider than it has ever been. Most Americans are not racists. They sympathize with Black Americans who have been treated unjustly. The history of Black suppression and oppression is real. It’s been a slow road to right past injustices. Unfortunately, the Black Lives Matter movement hijacked much of [...]

Important Update: March 2025

Important Update: March 2025

A generous supporter of American Vision is donating $10,000 as a matching grant. It works like this. If American Vision raises $10,000 this month, we will receive an additional $10,000. This means any donation you give during the month of March will be doubled. Here are just a few of the projects AV has planned for 2025: We are in the process of rolling out Samuel Lee’s 1859 work on eschatology. [...]

Is the Apostle John Still Alive?

Is the Apostle John Still Alive?

A video by Mitch Muller, “Is the Apostle/Disciple John STILL ALIVE?,” is making the rounds on Facebook. Muller begins by quoting John 21:20-23. Peter turned and saw the disciple whom Jesus loved following them. He was the one who had leaned back against Jesus at the supper to ask, “Lord, who is going to betray You?” When Peter saw him, he asked, “Lord, what about him?” Jesus answered, “If I want h [...]

The 1950 Film that Promoted the Family and Ridiculed Planned Parenthood

The 1950 Film that Promoted the Family and Ridiculed Planned Parenthood

My wife and I were watching Season 3, Episode 4 “A Little Drop of Poison” from the British version of Professor T when the Professor mentioned Lillian Gilbreth and her book The Psychology of Management (1914) regarding “time and motion studies.” The study triggered something for the Professor that was a clue to help him solve a crime. The current condition of our mismanaged government might be abl [...]

Why I Write About Bible Prophecy

Why I Write About Bible Prophecy

I’ve debated with myself over whether I should respond to Thomas Ice’s awful article about me and my book End Times Fiction, since republished as Left Behind: Separating Fact From Fiction, that Brannon Howse published on his Worldview Weekend site. In his first response to my original argument, Brannon argued that he does not teach on the rapture, and his site and conferences do not spend much tim [...]

Nazi Germany Was Not an Advocate of "Free Speech"

Nazi Germany Was Not an Advocate of "Free Speech"

During an interview on February 16th with Secretary of State Marco Rubio, CBS’s “Face the Nation” anchor Margaret Brennan said that Nazis “weaponized” free speech to conduct the Holocaust. Rubio was incredulous at Brennan’s ignorance of history: “There was no free speech in Nazi Germany. There was none. There was also no opposition in Nazi Germany, they were a sole and only party that governed tha [...]

Justifying the LGBTQ+ agenda by an Appeal to the Bible, Creeds, and Confessions

Justifying the LGBTQ+ agenda by an Appeal to the Bible, Creeds, and Confessions

Rachel Held Evans (1981-2019) was a Christian columnist, blogger, and author who supported same-sex marriage because “Jesus never talked about it.” This is a frequent argument for supporters of same-sex marriage and the LGBTQ+ agenda. She also stated that the creeds don’t mention anything about homosexuality. So here we are today where “The town of Worcester, Massachusetts, voted to become a ‘sanc [...]

The Question DOGE Should Be Asking

The Question DOGE Should Be Asking

The question that the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) should be asking is under what constitutional provision does the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) derive its authority? Some might point to the Preamble and the General Welfare clause in the body of the Constitution: WE, THE PEOPLE of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure [...]

Jesuits, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Preterism

Jesuits, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Preterism

One of the arguments used against a preterist interpretation of Revelation is that it was developed by Spanish Jesuit Luis De Alcazar (1554-1613) who wrote a commentary titled Vestigio Arcani Sensus in Apocaplysi or Investigation of the Hidden Sense of the Apocalypse and was published a year after his death. “In this work dedicated to the Catholic Church, he made a new attempt to interpret the Apo [...]

Does “Postmillennialism” Require Preterism?

Does “Postmillennialism” Require Preterism?

Someone on Facebook asking the following question: “Can one be … Postmillennial while rejecting partial preterism?” For a robust postmillennialism (a moniker I do not like), a person needs to be a preterist, even if it’s an inconsistent preterism. Revelation 20 should not be used in defense of what is labeled “postmillennialism” since there’s little in the chapter that describes what postmillennia [...]

Enough With Trivializing the Gospel

Enough With Trivializing the Gospel

I’m not at all OK with “Happy Birthday Jesus” signs during Advent season. Biblical Christology includes the incarnation, but the birth of the God-Man is not like our birth. The reaction of the Magi, Herod, and Simeon and Anna are signposts of what transpired when “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:14). There were theological, political, and kingdom consequences. The Christian faith [...]

Does ‘Gary DeMarr’ Know “Squat” about Bible Prophecy?

Does ‘Gary DeMarr’ Know “Squat” about Bible Prophecy?

Mike Johnson’s comment is in response to my book Ten Popular Myths Exposed and Answered, a book he has not read. Typical. In response to me putting up my “squat,” here is his proof that “DeMarr doesn’t know squat.” Ok … the temple DOES need to be built. It will be rebuilt (Rev 11: 1 & 2) Otherwise the AC would not be able to commit the AOD. Both Paul & Christ reference the AOD as a sign of [...]

Jimmy Carter Picked “Imagine” to be Sung at His State Funeral

Jimmy Carter Picked “Imagine” to be Sung at His State Funeral

Did you know that John Lennon’s song “Imagine” was sung at Jimmy Carter’s State Funeral at Carter’s request? “Imagine” is an atheist anthem. Carter identified as a “born again Christian.” Here’s what Carter said about the song: Carter spoke more than once about his enthusiasm for the song. He delighted in the fact that “Imagine” had become a truly international anthem. “[I]n many countries around [...]

Three Faulty ‘Four-Verses Paradigms'

Three Faulty ‘Four-Verses Paradigms'

When studying anything written or spoken, it’s important to pay attention to what’s stated and what is not stated. It seems so simple until you find people spouting off about something with great authority who fail at the basic level of “what does it say” and “what doesn’t it say.” We can’t move to what does something in a biblical text mean and how it applies until we cover the basics. [...]

The Sons of God/Angels of God Debate

The Sons of God/Angels of God Debate

For a few years I have been researching the debate over the “sons of God” or “angels of God" and the Nephilim. The amount of material on the topic is staggering. Much of it is downright crazy and sensationalistic, especially when eschatology is added to the mix. At the same time, many of the studies are scholarly by sticking to the biblical text. As a result, the topic has received a lot of a [...]

What Would It Mean of We Were to “Eat the Rich”?

What Would It Mean of We Were to “Eat the Rich”?

The rich often get a bum rap. Liberals are incensed when it’s suggested that “the rich” get any type of tax reduction even though the top 50% of wage earners pay 96% of all income taxes. Do you remember the 2016 presidential debate when the very rich Hillary Clinton attacked Donald Trump for not paying his “fair share” in taxes? Trump pointed out that Clinton and here rich friends used the same ta [...]

It’s Always the End of Someone’s World

It’s Always the End of Someone’s World

It’s 2025 and we’re still here! While going through my library for a research project I’ve been working on, I came across Nicholas Guyatt’s 2007 book Have a Nice Doomsday: Why Millions of Americans are Looking Forward to the End of the World. This past weekend, I was given a book that claims it’s all coming to fruition in September of this year. The author is a premillennialist, so his view is opt [...]

Dispensationalism’s Road to Holocaust

Dispensationalism’s Road to Holocaust

Projection is “a defense mechanism in which an individual recognizes their unacceptable traits or impulses in someone else to avoid recognizing those traits or impulses in themselves subconsciously. For example, someone who bullies another for being anxious and insecure may be doing so to avoid acknowledging they exhibit those same tendencies.”[1] Long before modern psychology gave a name to this [...]

Dealing with “Jesus Is Coming Soon” Memes

Dealing with “Jesus Is Coming Soon” Memes

Memes declaring that “Jesus is Coming Soon” are all over the internet. Facebook is filled with them. There are numerous Rapture pages. It’s amazing to see how a false doctrine from the 19th century has infected the church under the guise of interpreting the Bible literally. Its spread has been exponential. Here’s what those who claim to interpret the Bible literally mean by literal: “When the plai [...]