Hate Notes on Our Dumpster

Hate Notes on Our Dumpster

Someone posted a sign (image above) on the American Vision dumpster declaring that Gary created a “hate group.” The sign was complete with QR codes for anyone wanting further reading during their trip to the trash bin. American Vision has been targeted and slandered by critics for years. This is to be expected when your message is antithetical to the Leftist agenda. Posting signs on du [...]

Do All to the Glory of God... but how?

Do All to the Glory of God... but how?

by John Livingston The Apostle Paul said, “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Cor. 10:31). His command is comprehensive. His point was that, even in the very mundane things we do every day, we should be bound by the desire to glorify God. Our redemption in Jesus is total: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. [...]

Remembering and Revolutionaries

Remembering and Revolutionaries

The following movie review from a 2005 issue of Biblical Worldview Magazine is quite relevant to our own day and time of “burn it down” revolutionaries. G.K. Chesterton, ever the prophet and eminently quotable, made the point about good always needing to be vigilant in the fight against evil with his “old white post” analogy: Chesterton addressed this perennial fight for go [...]

Why a Star? The Bible and Astrology

Why a Star? The Bible and Astrology

Frequently, around Christmas time, we are treated to yet another (often just a repeat of previous “findings”) naturalistic explanation of the biblical “Star of Bethlehem.” Natural explanations of biblical phenomena can sometimes have their place, but they can also be diversions—for unbelievers and believers alike. A far better approach for believers is to know and receive the deep, rich biblical m [...]

What Are We Waiting For?

What Are We Waiting For?

Click here to listen to the podcast based on this article. In Luke 2:22-40, we are introduced to two individuals named Simeon and Anna. They were in the temple when Mary and Joseph brought the baby Jesus to “present him to the Lord.” We learn that Simeon and Anna were faithful believers expectantly awaiting the Messiah’s promised appearance. We are also told that Simeon was waiting for “the consol [...]

Belonging and Sock Puppets

Belonging and Sock Puppets

American Vision has always been about encouraging young people to develop their worldview talents of writing, film production, and podcasting. Unfortunately, there are few places where they can exhibit their work to a broader audience. The following is the first in what American Vision hopes is a long list of writers who will put their talents on display. – Gary DeMar A Review of The Haunting (196 [...]

Halloween's Improbable Origin and Meaning for Christians

Halloween's Improbable Origin and Meaning for Christians

The original title of this article is “Concerning Halloween.” Since it was first published in 1996, it has made its way around the world and stirred up a lot of discussions. That’s a good thing. As you can imagine many Christians oppose Halloween for obvious reasons. It’s lost its original meaning. You can hear it in the way it’s often pronounced: “Holloween” rather than Halloween. There’s a big d [...]

Get Louder: Faith Summit 2020

Get Louder: Faith Summit 2020

Gary DeMar will be part of a panel discussion at Liberty University this afternoon called “Re-opening the American Mind” at 2PM(EST). He will be speaking with Eric Metaxas, Jay Wesley Richards, and Dr. Mark David Hall. The discussion is part of a larger event called GET LOUDER: Faith Summit 2020, which is an all day event from 10AM-5PM. You can view the entire schedule here. The event [...]

John MacArthur Takes a Bold Stand

John MacArthur Takes a Bold Stand

John MacArthur and the elders of Grace Community Church in California have decided to defy the State government and open their church facility and hold services. Some have argued that there are better or more creative ways to get around the government mandate. There may be. But a government that supports abortion on demand and sanctions every type of sexual perversion in opposition to what the Bib [...]

When SCOTUS Scoffs at God

When SCOTUS Scoffs at God

The Supreme Court handed over its keys to the LGBTQ community. The vocal minority of intoleristas are now in charge. The presumptive Democratic nominee, Joe Biden, stated that the SCOTUS affirmed a “profoundly American idea” that discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity is prohibited. Now, let’s consider that we are now comparing the rights of voting, public [...]

Silent Saturday

Silent Saturday

The Christian tradition gives several milestones during Holy Week. Maundy Thursday commemorates the Last Supper, Good Friday the crucifixion, and Easter Sunday the resurrection. But what of Saturday? Why is there no traditional designation for the Saturday between Good Friday and Easter Sunday? Saturday was, of course, the Jewish sabbath. It was a weekly time of quiet and reflection as God’s [...]

Join the AV support team!

From the desk of Gary DeMar: 2019 has turned out to be a great year for American Vision. We’ve been busier than ever. That’s a good thing. I spoke with a friend this week who told me that he’s been seeing AV’s material everywhere. There’s a great deal of cross-pollination going on with other ministries. People who are watching Apologia Studios are connecting with American Vision. This is good news [...]

The Reformation and Apologetics are rooted in holiness

Apologetics is the defense of the faith––apologia—and it starts with sanctifying Christ as Lord in our hearts and being ready to give a reason for the hope that is in us (1 Peter 3:15-16). This often starts with reformation, a return to the truth in our lives, faith, worship, and culture. [caption id=“attachment_21166” align=“alignright” width=“300”] Check out D [...]

Man Detained for Displaying "Don't Tread on Me" Bumper Sticker

Our friends at The Patriot Depot just received a call from Rosemarie in Ball, Louisiana alerting Patriot Depot that her brother-in-law was stopped by small town Louisiana police and detained by the roadside for half an hour. A background check was conducted to determine whether he was a member of an “extremist” group. Why? Her brother-in-law (name not disclosed for privacy) had purchas [...]

Kempism: Who is the Next Jack Kemp?

We’re going to need another Jack Kemp. We’re in the same mess now as we were when he rose to prominence in the 1970s: rising taxes, energy rationing, and a misguided belief that we can counter all of that with the printing press. We’re going to need someone who can understand the fundamental truth of the Laffer Curve, and still has the charisma to lead men and women in the politi [...]