An Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics

An Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics

Gary begins a short course on hermeneutics—the art and practice of interpretation—on today’s podcast. The Bible can be an intimidating book, but it doesn’t have to be. We must be like the Bereans who examined “the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so” (Acts 17:11). Too often, Christians rely on so-called Bible experts and complicated charts that include gaps in time, ou [...]

Biden's Resignation and Bible Prophecy

Biden's Resignation and Bible Prophecy

Gary discusses a recent article that speculates about the potential end of the Biden presidency and sensational interpretations of Bible prophecy. We should be wary of allowing current events to shape the way Scripture is interpreted. There is a long history of failure. God had promised to give the land of Canaan to Israel (Num. 13:1–2). Just as God was about to bring the Israelites into the land, [...]

It Goes With You

It Goes With You

Gary concludes his talk on 2 Timothy 3 on today’s podcast. The Christian worldview does not apply only to religious topics, it applies to every area of life and every situation. Truth is manifestly opposed to error and there is much error being promoted and taught today. The Christian worldview is necessary to correct and direct right thinking and living. King David is confronted by Nathan t [...]

Their Folly Will Be Evident

Their Folly Will Be Evident

On today’s podcast, Gary discusses 2 Timothy 3 and the full context of Paul’s letter. But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haug [...]

You've Heard it Said...

You've Heard it Said...

Gary summarizes more than a dozen common misunderstandings from his book, Myths, Lies, and Half-Truths on today’s podcast. Jesus often corrected erroneous beliefs about the Bible. He did this with misunderstandings in four areas: • An out-of-context reading and application of a text (Matt. 5:21). • A misreading or an incomplete reading of a text (5:38). • A misstatement of fact (5:43). • Fau [...]

Christians Must Be Involved

Christians Must Be Involved

Gary combats the many excuses that Christians use to NOT be involved in modern controversies on today’s podcast. In his book The Vanishing Conscience, pastor John MacArthur tries to argue that “‘Reclaiming’ the culture is a pointless, futile exercise. I am convinced,” he writes, “we are living in a post-Christian society— a civilization that exists under God’s judgment.” [1] MacArthur and ot [...]

How to Push the Antithesis

How to Push the Antithesis

Gary answers questions from audience members about the Christian worldview on today’s podcast. For those set in their anti-supernatural worldview ways, there will always be some naturalistic reason why miracles are impossible, and no amount of evidence will convince them otherwise. Consider the following humorous story to make the point that evidences only make sense within the context of a [...]

Is Matter All That Matters?

Is Matter All That Matters?

Matter is not and cannot be all that matters. On today’s podcast, Gary points out the problems for matter-only proponents. A classic moment in presuppositional apologetics happened in “The Great Debate” between Dr. Gordon Stein and Dr. Greg Bahnsen in 1985. During cross-examinations, Dr. Bahnsen began the following exchange: Bahnsen: Do you believe there are laws of logic then? S [...]

Redeeming the Time: Jonathan Edwards' Eschatological Hope

Redeeming the Time: Jonathan Edwards' Eschatological Hope

Guest article by Jacob Tanner Our Lord Jesus has no time for lazy and idle followers. Scripture is replete with warnings against those who would be slothful. In the Old Testament, there are warnings such as Proverbs 24:33–34: “A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest, and poverty will come upon you like a robber, and want like an armed man.” In the New Testament, ent [...]

Presuppositional Apologetics in Action

Presuppositional Apologetics in Action

Gary discusses the film Collision, the lead up to the event, and new video podcasts featuring much unused footage on today’s podcast. The difference between Douglas Wilson and Christopher Hitchens, despite any particular agreements on morality or art, puts them in irreconcilable positions which must be at war with the other. The positions that “God exists, and God governs nature,” and “There [...]

The Appointed Time

The Appointed Time

Gary completes his lessons on Mark 13 on today’s podcast. The audience and time context of the Olivet Discourse must not be ignored. The first people to embrace Jesus as the promised Messiah were Jews (Acts 2:5), and the first to reject Jesus were also Jews. James Jordan comments: The Judaizers were the heirs of the tradition-serving Jewish teachers who were Jesus’ worst enemy. The Jud [...]

Your House Will be Left Desolate

Your House Will be Left Desolate

On today’s podcast, Gary continues teaching through Mark 13 in this second lesson given at his church. When Jesus’ disciples heard His prediction of “desolation” for the temple and city (Matt. 23:29-39) when He “came out from the temple” (24:1), they “came up to point out the temple buildings to Him,” as if to say, “Lord, You can’t mean t [...]

The Philosopher Kings of D.C.

The Philosopher Kings of D.C.

On today’s podcast, Gary discusses taxes, politics, the elite, and Bernie Sanders. Socialist Bernie wants to tax those evil rich people that can afford super-yachts. The way for politicians to sell a tax increase to a majority of voters is to persuade middle-class voters that only the rich will pay the new tax. Middle-class voters keep buying this obvious lie. They are told that there is too [...]

Mark 13 and Fulfilled Prophecy

Mark 13 and Fulfilled Prophecy

On today’s podcast, Gary discusses whether fulfilled prophecy has any significance after it has been fulfilled? If, as the writer of Ecclesiastes writes, “there is nothing new under the sun” (1:9), then how do we evaluate historical tumults prophetically? Five hundred years ago many in Christendom believed that the end was near. As we now know, their speculations were misguided. [...]

Using the Bible to Interpret Bible Prophecy

Using the Bible to Interpret Bible Prophecy

On today’s podcast, Gary discusses the hermeneutics (the method of interpreting) of Bible prophecy. One of the first things a Christian must learn in interpreting the Bible is to pay attention to the time texts. Failing to recognize the proximity of a prophetic event will distort its intended meaning. Certain destructive events confronted the early Church, events that were “near” for those w [...]

The Number of the Beast

The Number of the Beast

On today’s podcast, Gary answers a listener question about the manuscript differences in Revelation 13 and the “number of the beast.” The number 666 has long fascinated theologians and mathematicians. Maybe the interest in the number has something to do with the attainment of wisdom and understanding since to “calculate the number of the beast” will reward the diligent (Rev. 13:1 [...]

Kuyper, North, and the Calvinistic Worldview

Kuyper, North, and the Calvinistic Worldview

Guest article by Uri Brito Gary North’s recent passing reminded me of the enormous capacity of certain men to produce so much in a lifetime. Of course, men can be productive beings on many fronts, but that productivity often stems from foundational theological stimuli that allow him to conform his thoughts after it. If such roots are stable and coherent, they can provide a rich motivation for crea [...]

The Bahnsen Trilogy

The Bahnsen Trilogy

On today’s podcast, Gary discuss presuppositional apologetics and Dr. Greg Bahnsen and the trio of his books recently published by American Vision. Biblical apologetics means “to offer a defense” and is practiced in different ways by Christians. Some Christian apologists try to appeal to skeptics by presenting a boatload of facts. With this evidential method, the claim is made that facts are [...]

The Wheat and the Tares

The Wheat and the Tares

In this final part of his response to the Michael Brown debate, Gary discusses Jesus’ parable of the wheat and the tares in Matthew 13. For many (perhaps even most) Christians, the parable of the wheat and the tares (Matt. 13:24–30, 36–43) tells the story of the final judgment. This view is especially understandable when based on the old King James translation. It says: Another parable put h [...]

It's Not the End of the World

It's Not the End of the World

On today’s podcast, Gary responds to the questions the disciples ask Jesus about His coming and the “end of the age.” What “age” or “period of time” was about to come to an end when Jesus’ disciples asked about “the end of the age” in Matthew 24:3 after they heard Jesus say that the temple was going to be “left desolate” (23:36)? The end of the old covenant age was on the horizon [...]