Why You Should Consider a Side Business

Why You Should Consider a Side Business

Gary interviews a friend from his church about advice Dr. Gary North gave him to set himself up in a business while still holding on to his existing job. The highest costs of government intervention into the market process are ethical costs. Most people who believe in private property recognize that the state has become immoral when it uses coercion to intervene into market exchanges. They see tha [...]

First Things First

First Things First

In this final part of his interview with Dr. Gary North, Gary DeMar asks what can be done right now. The God of the Bible is one and many. The Christian community is a unity, but it is also diverse. There are unifying themes that every Christian and every Christian community must acknowledge as fundamental. There are also applications of basic principle that only a few people may be aware of or co [...]

The Presuppositional Revolution

The Presuppositional Revolution

Dr. Gary North discusses R.J. Rushdoony and Cornelius Van Til and what a comprehensive worldview looks like. Every king requires obedience. Every kingdom has laws. Men are always under the law of some kingdom. The standard phrase, “We’re under grace, not law,” is utter nonsense. We are always under law. The question is: Whose law? God’s law or Satan’s? To be under Satan’s law is to be a citizen of [...]

An Action Imperative

An Action Imperative

Gary DeMar talks with Dr. Gary North about the need for Christians to take action. (Part One of Three) We have been given both a dynamic of history and a tool of dominion. We have done our best to ignore them both. We have, especially in the last hundred years, retreated from both in the name of “Christian liberty,” or “separation from the world.” But such an approach is doomed to defeat. [...]

Smithsonian Magazine Defines a Woman

Smithsonian Magazine Defines a Woman

Gary discusses several recent new stories surrounding sex, gender, and ideology. Once ethical norms become arbitrary, we can expect the dismantling of long-standing Christian familial relationships like marriage and heterosexuality. Radical feminist Gloria Steinem once described marriage as an institution that destroys relationships. “I don’t think marriage has a good name,” she wrote in 1987. “Le [...]

Is Preterism an Impossibility?

Is Preterism an Impossibility?

Gary responds to several comments from Pastor John MacArthur and Dr. Michael Brown who are pushing back against the preterist interpretation of Bible prophecy. Much of the debate over preterism comes down to when a document was written. This is especially true for the book of Revelation. If a document was written prior to the destruction of Jerusalem, which occurred in A.D. 70, then any statement [...]

Our Legacy (Part Two)

Our Legacy (Part Two)

The conclusion of a lecture given at a Worldview Conference a few years ago where Gary discusses legacy and responsibility. In the former Soviet Union, Christians were forbidden to “set up benefit societies, cooperatives of industrial societies; to offer material aid to [their] members; to organize children’s and young persons’ groups for prayer and other purposes, or general biblical, literary or [...]

Our Legacy (Part One)

Our Legacy (Part One)

In this first part of a lecture given at a Worldview Conference a few years ago, Gary discusses legacy and responsibility. The church is a government ordained by God. It has rulers (overseers/elders: 1 Tim. 3:1–7), members (flock: Acts 20:28), laws (goodness of God’s law: 1 Tim. 1:5–11), sanctions (“removed from your midst”: 1 Cor. 5:2), and a legacy (“the gates of Hades will not overpower it”: Ma [...]

Taking It to the Next Generation

Taking It to the Next Generation

Gary discusses his trip to Mexico last week where he gave five talks about eschatology and Bible interpretation. The Apostle Paul compares the supposed progress of the ungodly in Timothy’s day, the “last days” of the Old Covenant of Judaism (Heb. 1:1–2; 1 Cor. 10:11), to the overthrow of Jannes and Jambres in Moses’ day (Ex. 7:11): “But they will not make further progress; for their folly will be [...]

Heretics and False Teachers

Heretics and False Teachers

In this concluding part of his interview with Pastor Richard Henry, Gary further discusses the recent heresy controversy. As the New Testament makes clear, apostasy was rampant almost from the church’s inception. The apostasy about which John wrote was operating in his day. Paul had to counter a “different gospel” that was “contrary” to what he had preached (Gal. 1:6–9). He had to battle “false br [...]

Being Honest with the Text

Being Honest with the Text

Gary continues his interview with Pastor Richard Henry. In this second part, he summarizes some of the controversy he was involved in a few months ago. In the immediate context of the book of Daniel, and throughout the book itself, death and resurrection is a major theme. We think of death as physical death and of resurrection as the physical revival and transfiguration of men and women at the end [...]

Christians Should be Building

Christians Should be Building

Gary critiques the modern (and past) response of the church and Christians to cultural decay and immorality. Politics was as messy in biblical times as it is today. Biblical heroes like Gideon, Jephthah, Samuel, Barak, and Samson had their moral failings, and yet they are in the biblical “Hall of Faith”: And what more shall I say? For time will fail me if I tell of Gideon [idolater], Barak [coward [...]

How Now Do We Evaluate Information?

How Now Do We Evaluate Information?

Gary discusses a recent sermon written and “preached” at a worship service in Germany by ChatGPT. The culmination of worldview shifts has changed American belief patterns in dramatic ways. The old categories were shot full of holes by new religious assumptions that could not be rationally criticized since pluralism and relativism are today’s reigning worldviews. A common culture with s [...]

There's Always a New Bible

There's Always a New Bible

Gary discusses recent comments by Yuval Noah Harari about Artificial Intelligence. The claim of neutrality by Christians is judged harshly in the Bible: “I know your deeds, that you are neither hot nor cold; I would that you were cold or hot. So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth” (Rev. 3:15–16). Standing in the middle of a moral position is not neu [...]

Why Government Can Save You

Why Government Can Save You

Gary explains the difference between government and politics. Christianity was shoved to the sidelines when advocates of what has been described as the Enlightenment claimed “that no authority could sit in judgment on human reason, that man’s reason and experience were the measure of all things.” As is typical of shifts away from a Christian worldview, this sterile worldview was not satisfying, so [...]

About to Be or Not About to Be?

About to Be or Not About to Be?

Gary discusses a recent statement from a well-known faith-healer on the issue of preterism. Matthew 24:33 tells us what audience Jesus had in view: “so, you too, when you see all these things, recognize that He is near, right at the door.” It’s obvious, and without any need for debate, that the first “you” refers to those who asked the questions that led to Jesus’ extended remarks (Matt. 24:2-4). [...]

I'm Glad They Were Schizophrenic

I'm Glad They Were Schizophrenic

Gary discusses the death of Christian broadcaster Pat Robertson and the legacy he left behind. Getting the interpretation of prophecy right will help in dealing with those who are not familiar with the topic and see danger in some of the talk about an inevitable nuclear holocaust. When a prominent prophecy writer associated with the Christian Right asks, “Is War with Iran Inevitable?,” people get [...]

Challenging the System

Challenging the System

Gary responds to a few individuals that took issue with his previous podcast about working for change within the current governmental system. Are we to believe that in all the times the Bible has been preached or taught that the subject of politics should never come up? How does a minister preach and teach and not touch on the politics found, for example, in Exodus, Judges, 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 [...]

The End Times Crazy Wagon Rumbles On

The End Times Crazy Wagon Rumbles On

False and spurious speculation about events and technologies continue to be found everywhere, from Tabletalk Magazine to NPR. Much of the speculative nature of today’s Bible prophecy hysteria can be linked to “generational provincialism,” that is, the belief that nothing has prophetic significance unless it happens to the present generation. Many who take this approach seem to be unaware that wars [...]

Working Within the System

Working Within the System

Gary discusses some arguments people are raising online against trying to reform our current system of government. God did not reserve His commandments for just the nation Israel and the church. Scripture makes it clear that all kings in Israel should copy the law in the presence of the Levitical priests so the rulers would be careful to observe every word of the law (Deuteronomy 17:18-19). Even n [...]