Hamas and the Red Heifer

Hamas and the Red Heifer

Gary discusses an article that makes the claim that Hamas attacked Israel in order to stop the sacrifice of the “red heifer.” Remember how Jesus had described the temple to the Jews as “your house” and how it would be left to them “desolate” (Matt. 23:38). Earlier Jesus had inspected the temple (21:12-17). There He called it “My house” (21:13) and cited two passages from the Old Testam [...]

They Always Fail

They Always Fail

Gary discusses three recent items that address the ideas of the intellectual “elites” who believe they know how to understand and fix the world. The long-term consequences of brains, bodies, and babies are that in the end we are nothing more than meat machines that have no intrinsic value. If this is so, and science tells us it is so, then in the future there will never be a valid mora [...]

The Voices of Underground Media

The Voices of Underground Media

Gary comments on a few recent video clips where leftist narratives are being exposed and challenged. There’s a difference between believing something and being able to justify that belief. I believe certain things about the health of the human body. But if you were to push hard, you would find that I don’t have enough information to be able to justify all the beliefs that I have. In many cases, I [...]

The Organic Truth Behind Artificial Intelligence

The Organic Truth Behind Artificial Intelligence

Gary answers a listener question about the uses and abuses of Artificial Intelligence. With the advent of the computer, materialists believe they have found the perfect scientific mechanism to demonstrate that the notion of a mind has been concocted out of primitive religious assumptions. Since religion is mythological, so is the mind. “The machinists’ model of consciousness is the computer; they [...]

The Current Political Mood in America

The Current Political Mood in America

Gary discusses an article by Wayne Grudem about 10 reasons to vote for Ron DeSantis over Donald Trump. As Bible-believing Christians we must always remember that when we speak of authority, we mean more than civil authority. In addition, we must recognize and insist that these governors are bound by God’s commandments in their jurisdictional duties. As we are required to submit, they also are boun [...]

The New World and the Regeneration

The New World and the Regeneration

Is Jesus on His throne now? If so, are we in the “new world”? Matthew is traditionally the first of the Gospels. In my opinion, as I argue below, the tradition is correct. Matthew was one of the disciples and was a man of letters. Who better to take notes during Jesus’ lifetime? Moreover, immediately after Pentecost there would have been a demand for a book containing the teaching and [...]

We're Doomed Without Christianity

We're Doomed Without Christianity

Gary talks about recent comments from Elon Musk and an English rapper named Zuby. Unbelief leads to the destruction of every department of the university. But consider, more broadly, the modern university itself. Not only is there cancer growing in every department intellectually, but the university as a whole has no center, no unity. Originally, the university was called the uni-versity because s [...]

Satanic Morality

Satanic Morality

Gary discusses a recent question answered by Vivek Ramaswamy about the American government “propping up” Christianity and Christian Nationalism. Professor Stone is correct that there were traditional Christians and deists among the Founders. “Around the time of the American Revolution,” Robert Royal, president of the Faith and Reason Institute, writes that “a significant minority of th [...]

Get Out the Atheist Vote

Get Out the Atheist Vote

Gary discusses a recent call by some atheists to get out to the polls and vote in 2024 to prevent Christian Nationalists from winning. Atheism is a dark and bleak world. It offers no meaning or ultimate purpose. It is the dead end of all dead ends. R.C. Sproul has written, “the existence of God is the supreme proto-supposition for all theoretical thought. God’s existence is the chief element in co [...]

The Continuing Debate Over God's Law

The Continuing Debate Over God's Law

Gary continues his discussion of the confusion over how God’s law should be understood and applied in modern times. The righteousness and perfection toward which the “commandments” of “the Law and the Prophets” (Matt. 5:17-19) guide us was identified by Jesus when He said, “you shall therefore be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect” (v. 48). God is [...]

So What Do We Do Now?

So What Do We Do Now?

Gary begins a two-part podcast about preterism and God’s law. It is important to note that the noun “preterism” has been squeezed too far back as if it is about nothing more than what is past, about completed action in the past with no future application. The New Testament does address the issue of preterism and acknowledges that certain prophetic announcements—such as Christ’s Olivet Discou [...]

Is Jesus Reigning Now?

Is Jesus Reigning Now?

Gary responds to an Advent devotional in Christianity Today regarding Matthew 24. A failure to understand the symbolic nature of these passages has led many popular writers (and, surprisingly, not a few scholarly ones) to assume that such expressions as “the sun turned to sackcloth and the moon to blood” can only be understood as referring to the collapse of the physical cosmos. Nobody takes these [...]

Rightly Dividing the People of God?

Rightly Dividing the People of God?

Gary responds to a video where a pastor claims you must “rightly divide the Bible,” based on 2 Timothy 2:15. By this he means that you must rightly divide the “people” of God into Jew and Gentile and understand New Testament passages in light of “the Church age.” How could Christians believe that Jesus could come at any moment and also believe that He would not [...]

Israel's Hope is For the Nations

Israel's Hope is For the Nations

Now that the first volume of the book is available, this recap from the initial episodes of Covenant Hermeneutics and Biblical Eschatology was due for a re-run. New Testament eschatology is the eschatology of Old Testament Israel. Israel’s eschaton is what is being discussed there. But, of course, Israel’s eschaton was a subset of the greater world history. OT Israel was not the end of the road. I [...]

The Blessing and Symbolism of Trees

The Blessing and Symbolism of Trees

God created trees. He made them for us: for home building, decoration, shade, construction of fences, tables, chairs, sheds, and so much more. We can easily visualize a tree as a ladder to heaven, with the bottom as the beginning of the ladder, the trunk as the ladder proper, and the leafy crown on top as the glory-cloud of heaven. Is this a Biblical image, however, or is it just one that we have [...]

The 34th Street Apologetic

The 34th Street Apologetic

Gary discusses the classic Christmas film, Miracle on 34th Street and many instances of how this film presents opportunities for thinking through worldviews and Christian apologetics. Most evangelicals tend to think in “words.” This is certainly understandable because of the Protestant focus on the Bible as the sole authority (sola Scriptura) and the Lutheran concept of the “priesthood of all beli [...]

Betrayed by Feminism

Betrayed by Feminism

Gary discusses an article written by a woman who regrets pursuing her own goals and fulfillment in the workforce and being single. There is a worldview that seeks to make absolute the things of this world. A different spirit energizes man without God. This is the religion of humanism called secularism. A “secularist” is someone who “is completely time-bound, totally a child of his age, a creature [...]

The Vision of the Self-Appointed

The Vision of the Self-Appointed

Newspeak and media brain-washing are the tactics, but many are (finally) starting to question the “upside down” world of the cultural elite. When individuals lose their identity, when civil government becomes the only government and people live in service to the State, “the standard of living falls, refugees flee across borders in abject poverty, and barbed wire and walls go up along b [...]

Waiting for His Son from Heaven

Waiting for His Son from Heaven

What does the incarnation of Jesus mean? For Simeon and Anna, it was a confirmation of God’s faithfulness to act on behalf of His people. They believed that the incarnate Jesus WAS God’s plan of salvation for the world. They weren’t bothered by the fact that their hope for Israel was bound up in the helpless frame of a baby. Quite the opposite; they were overjoyed. Simeon and Anna rejoiced to see [...]

This Generation and Brood of Vipers

This Generation and Brood of Vipers

From the archives: Gary answers an interesting question that was submitted to the Michael Heiser podcast several years ago. “This generation” in Matthew 24:34 and the parallel passages in Mark 13 and Luke 21 refers to the generation of Jesus’ day. Following this biblical evidence, most Bible com­mentators have interpreted “this generation” in this way, understanding t [...]