Facts Weigh More than Ideology in Weightlifting

Facts Weigh More than Ideology in Weightlifting

Gary discusses a Canadian powerlifter who has been suspended from competition for protesting men being allowed to compete in women’s categories. There are many worldviews around today, and the postmodernist believes that it is his responsibility to critique each one. Worldviews must be “flattened out,” so that no one particular approach or belief is more “true” than any other. What constitut [...]

Enshrining Infanticide in Ohio

Enshrining Infanticide in Ohio

Gary discusses the recent vote in Ohio and the typical diversionary tactics that went on with the wording of the referendum. Laws against theft and murder are legislated, and they reflect some moral code. There are few people who would object to laws being made that would punish thieves and murderers. And yet, such laws impose a moral system on all of us. Although thieves and murderers might objec [...]

Waiting for the Great Disappearing Act

Waiting for the Great Disappearing Act

Gary continues responding to Pastor David Jeremiah’s interview and book, The Great Disappearance. All of the texts used to support the rapture theory presuppose the validity of the theory, a theory that does not have a single text to support it. The doctrine has been constructed before texts have been evaluated. This unsound approach to Bible interpretation has done little to dissuade the ad [...]

The Hypocritical Hate of the Left

The Hypocritical Hate of the Left

Gary discusses several recent articles about the new Speaker of the House and how he claims that the “Bible is his standard.” All talk about human rights comes from those nations that have had a Christian base. The most familiar philosophy of human rights is found in the Declaration of Independence (1776). “All men,” it states, “are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rig [...]

The Christian Life and Character

The Christian Life and Character

Gary discusses the historical conditions and motivations behind The Christian Life and Character of the Civil Institutions of the United States. When B.F. Morris began work on his book, American Christians were retreating from Bible-based involvement in social action, education, intellectual pursuits, the shaping of culture, and political thought and action. Many in the old “main-line” Protestant [...]

What You Don't Know Can Hurt You

What You Don't Know Can Hurt You

The Christian’s view of the future determines how he lives, plans, and works in the present for the future. Even during Israel’s captivity under Babylonian rule, the nation’s darkest hour, the people were told to plan and build for the future: “Build houses and live in them; and plant gardens, and eat their produce. Take wives and become the fathers of sons and daughters, and take wives for your s [...]

The Battle for God's Land?

The Battle for God's Land?

Gary responds to a recent article by Dr. Michael Brown that claims the promises made to Israel in Joshua 21 are not the fullness of what God was promising to the Jews. There is not a single verse in the New Testament that supports the claim that there is prophetic significance in Israel’s restoration as a nation. Beyond A.D. 70, Israel as a nation plays no prophetic role. The New Testament only ad [...]

The Cruel Logic of Pure Materialism

The Cruel Logic of Pure Materialism

Gary interviews author and screenwriter Brian Godawa about his short film and now full-length novel, Cruel Logic. I’m no longer shocked by what I read in the news these days. What would have turned people’s stomachs 30 or 40 years ago, now are met with a dismissive “Whatever.” The latest once-thought-to- be moral atrocity has to do with “zoophilia” (from the Greek zōion, meaning “animal,” from wh [...]

The Paralysis of Pessimism

The Paralysis of Pessimism

Does it matter if we live fearfully or hopefully? Very much so, as Gary points out in this important talk from several years ago. In applying all the Bible to all of life, those “dead in trespasses and sins” (Eph. 2:1) must have a “new heart” and a “new spirit” so they can rightly understand God’s Word and the world He created for our use (1 Cor. 1:18–25). The “heart of stone” must be removed and [...]

The Danger of Prophetic Inevitability

The Danger of Prophetic Inevitability

Gary discusses Dwight Wilson’s 1977 book, Armageddon Now. As a premillennialist himself, Wilson was able to see clearly the many mistaken prophecies of his own tradition. The doctrine of the clock of prophecy is central to dispensational theology. But what no paperback dispensationalist prophecy book of the This Time, Armageddon Really Is Near! variety ever discusses is that orthodox dispens [...]

Dispensationalism's Future Holocaust Problem

Dispensationalism's Future Holocaust Problem

The Dispensational system has a horrific future in store for Jewish people living in Israel. What does the Bible say about the future of Israel as it relates to the question of Jerusalem’s prophetic significance? The Old Testament teaches that Israel was taken into captivity in two parts: first, the northern kingdom by the Assyrians in 722 BC, and then the southern kingdom by the Babylonians betwe [...]

Answering the Charge of Replacement Theology

Answering the Charge of Replacement Theology

Gary answers the perennial charge of “replacement theology,” a phrase that is designed to end debate by those who teach that the church and Israel are distinct and separate. Israel’s spiritual destiny is the same as it is for non-Israelites: Repent and believe in Jesus! No one said anything about a delay in the promises that had been made to Israel centuries ago. In fact, Peter clearly [...]

Ignoring Biblical History

Ignoring Biblical History

Gary discusses a new article by Greg Laurie that makes the (same old) argument that modern events “could be” fulfilling biblical prophecies. Most interpreters have tried to find the fulfillment in events of their day using current events as the interpretive grid. For example, in the fourth and fifth centuries, Gog was thought to refer to the Goths and Moors. In the seventh century, it [...]

The Future of Israel Re-Examined

The Future of Israel Re-Examined

A daily double: an article and a podcast! The article is from the July 1991 issue of James Jordan’s Biblical Horizons newsletter. It shows how Jordan’s thinking and views of the whole debate over ancient and modern Jews and the state of Israel changed from his previous views that essentially followed the Puritans and the Westminster Divines. It is vital that Christians understand this [...]

Pulpits and Politics

Pulpits and Politics

Gary discusses an article from the Christianity and Civilization series about politics, Christians, and activism. In Genesis 1:1, God set up two realms, heaven and earth. The goal of history is not for earth to be forsaken, but for heaven to impress its pattern on earth. “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, ” we pray. The duality of heaven and earth is to be resolved, e [...]

The Gaetzful 8 and Political Christians

The Gaetzful 8 and Political Christians

Gary discusses the recent ousting of Speaker McCarthy and what political writer Jason Whitlock calls the “Gaetzful 8.” Whitlock compares the 8 to Gideon’s 300 and the idea of the remnant. Gideon is called Jerubbaal, the Baal-Fighter. He is going to war against Baal, in the confidence God had given him the night before. They rose early, with the sun. The rising of the sun is a pic [...]

The Bible is the Blueprint

The Bible is the Blueprint

Gary discusses a speech given by Pastor Jack Hibbs to the Family Research Council about the state of the culture. One would be hard pressed to find modern politicians who would claim that the State is divine, but more often than not actions speak louder than words. For modern secularists, the political sphere is no less divine than the city-states of Greece and Rome and the deified nationalism of [...]

Good News in the News

Good News in the News

Gary highlights a few recent news articles that are actually encouraging. “Society” possesses no will of its own, but reflects the people’s will. The will of the people is either based on the autonomous will of men or reflects the will of the Triune God of Scripture. E.C. Wines (1806-1879) writes: In political, as well as physical science, there are certain great principles, true or false, from wh [...]

The Heavens Will be Shaken

The Heavens Will be Shaken

Gary answers a listener question regarding Matthew 24:29-31. Jesus’ disciples did not inquire about the end of the world (kosmos), but about the end of that covenant age (aion). When the tribulation of “those days” was completed, the religious and political structure of Israel as a covenant nation came to an end before that first-century generation passed away. Even futurists do [...]

Christian Atheism

Christian Atheism

Gary deals with an argument making the rounds on social media about Biblical Law. He points out that it’s very similar to the “borrowed capital” argument that atheists rely on to make their own case. Scripture does not present the law-covenant as fundamentally opposed to the grace of the New Covenant. For example, consider Hebrews 3-4. According to New Testament theology, why was [...]