For nearly a year I have been working with a group of producers in the development of the film Collision: Is Christianity Good for the World?, a debate between atheist Christopher Hitchens and Christian apologist Douglas Wilson. This is one of the most unique debate presentations I have ever seen. While I have participated in traditional talking-head debates, I found the approach taken by award winning music video director Darren Doane in Collision to be so compelling that it might end up changing the way debates are produced.
Collision follows Wilson and Hitchens over a period of three days as they debate one another and lecture on their particular positions regarding the existence of God at Columbia University, King’s College in the Empire State Building, Westminster Theological Seminary, and Martin’s Tavern in Georgetown. Some of the most interesting exchanges take place in the in-between times as they travel from one venue to another. There’s a funny exchange between the two of them where they try to “out Wodehouse” each other by reciting some of the more humorous lines from various works of P. G. Wodehouse, all from memory.
These two men genuinely like each other, even though they are on opposite ends of the Christian divide. One of the most startling admissions from Hitchens comes near the end of the video. It shocked me as it shocked fellow atheist Richard Dawkins when he heard it.
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The film is finished. The release date is October 27, but you can order it now! There will be national screenings in Los Angeles and New York. Be on the lookout for interviews on some big-time national interview shows that are being negotiated. I don’t have the particulars yet. American Vision will put up a schedule as soon as we get confirmations.
American Vision is making available a special offer where you get the DVD and the book God Is: How Christianity Explains Everything for $19.95. This is a limited time offer.