The Supreme Court handed over its keys to the LGBTQ community. The vocal minority of intoleristas are now in charge. The presumptive Democratic nominee, Joe Biden, stated that the SCOTUS affirmed a “profoundly American idea” that discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity is prohibited.

Now, let’s consider that we are now comparing the rights of voting, public accommodation, and basic human rights of a black individual to the rights of individuals who through a variety of circumstances embody sexual rationales that are inevitably contrary to the very core of human existence.

SCOTUS affirmed that the color of the skin which cannot be naturally changed is the equivalent to the changes made by many in the LGBTQ community to live a certain way that violates basic human norms, to consume certain medications that change the natural dispositions of the body, who chose to adhere to principles of sexuality that unmistakably damage the human soul.

Let’s also take a step further and consider the language of “discrimination” in this case, which is diametrically different than what occurred some decades ago in this country during the Civil Rights Movement. We are now dealing with distinct facts and cases. For instance, if a Christian man chose to discriminate against me because of my brown skin, I would find him reprehensible; a secularized scoundrel unworthy to carry the name of Jesus. The very fabric of the Christian story entails a reconciling Lord who broke down racial barriers and calls us to see beyond our nationality and skin color.

Yet, in biblical categories, there are harsh implications for those who choose to satiate their thirst in unnatural desires (Rom. 1). If a Christian is compelled to do that which is contrary to his conscience, thus violating the very essence of his faith, he is thereby giving to Caesar what does not belong to Caesar: his religious convictions. If a boss discovers that one of his employees at his Christian bookstore is now transgender and will henceforth dress like a man starting Monday, what shall he do?

The only way these ideologies can be accepted today is when the Church affirms that we can separate our identity from what we believe and practice. If that happens, and all signs point to that reality, we live an impotent Gospel. God is no respecter of persons; he discriminates based on choices. Some choose to call good evil and evil good. We are living in the days when all distinctions are forgotten, and we are walking towards the precipice of unprincipled pluralism. SCOTUS embodies the scoffing of the principles of heaven.

But it’s not all bad news. The good news is that we can return more fervently to that one duty that we all know to be true and good—the duty of worship, where God takes our humanity and forms us anew. I remain committed to that reality and encourage us to that greater call which can never be erased by an earthly court.

Uri Brito is pastor of Providence Church, Pensacola, Florida, and meets at Trinitas Christian School, 3301 E Johnson Ave., Pensacola, FL 32514