I received an email on January 22, 2020, from PayPal telling me that my account had been “permanently limited.” That’s a slick way of saying that PayPal cancelled my account. The reason?

Supposedly I violated “PayPal’s Acceptable Use Policy.” And what is that? Anything PayPal wants it to mean.

I posted on Facebook that this had happened. Many well-meaning people told me it was a hoax or a phishing expedition to get my login and password. I assured them it was the real thing.

After telling my wife of what PayPal did, she got an email telling her that her account had been cancelled.

It was the real deal.

My wife has probably used PayPal about three times. I only use it out of convenience when I order something using my phone. It’s easier than pulling out a credit card. We only buy items; we never sell anything. There has never been a problem with a transaction.

My suspension is strictly ideological. My wife’s account was suspended out of spite.

You and I know that my wife and I did not do anything that was worthy of such a suspension … unless there are people at PayPal targeting people who criticize the Alphabet People.

There’s probably an army of PayPal employees who monitor websites and check out people who have PayPal accounts and suspend them for opposing the LGBT+ agenda.

I can see PayPal suspending my account. PayPal suspended American Vision’s account some years ago because of the “Hate” list manufactured by the Southern Poverty Law Center. But my wife’s account? Who is PayPal trying to fool? Certainly not me.

I called a PayPal representative to find out why our accounts had been suspended. She told me it was for “security reasons.” And what kind of “security reasons”? She couldn’t say. I told her that she should be ashamed to work for a company like PayPal that targets people for ideological reasons.

I received this from a PayPal representative:

Due to our strict privacy and security policy, I’m unable to discuss account specific details over Facebook.

I told her that this is what the Nazis did to the Jews. Yes, I said that; because it’s true. The Nazis attacked Jewish businesses. Fired them from academic positions and so much more. The Nazis were big when it came to creating “social credit” accounts on their ideological enemies.

It’s happening every day in the United States. The homosexual bullies are using their clout, connections, and money to force submission to the homosexual agenda. The examples are too numerous to list here. It’s happening in other countries. Consider what Swiss Air did with one of its suppliers because of the company’s pro-life and pro-biblical family stance:

Jürg Läderach, owner of the chocolate manufacturer [Läderach], is the president of “christianity for today” (cft), an evangelical organization based in Switzerland. CEO Johannes Läderach also serves on the board of cft. Among other things, cft is one of the sponsors of the March for Life taking place in different locations in Switzerland every year. Last year, more than 1,200 pro-lifers marched in Zurich, the largest Swiss city. On their website, cft emphasizes that the family – consisting of a man married to a woman, as well as their kids – constitutes the foundation of an intact society, especially if that relationship is nourished by the Bible.

Swiss Air dropped Läderach as one of its suppliers because of protests from homosexuals who work for the airline. A number of Läderach stores have been vandalized as a direct result of the company’s pro-life and pro-biblical marriage beliefs.

Consider the following from a must-read article from First Things:

Jon Stryker is the grandson of Homer Stryker [We have something in common. We both graduated from Western Michigan University], an orthopedic surgeon who founded the Stryker Corporation. Based in Kalamazoo, Michigan, the Stryker Corporation sold $13.6 billion in surgical supplies and software in 2018. Jon, heir to the fortune, is gay. In 2000 he created the Arcus Foundation, a nonprofit serving the LGBT community, because of his own experience coming out as homosexual. Arcus has given more than $58.4 million to programs and organizations doing LGBT-related work between 2007 and 2010 alone, making it one of the largest LGBT funders in the world. Stryker gave more than $30 million to Arcus himself in that three-year period, through his stock in Stryker Medical Corporation.

I found this revealing: “Arcus Foundation supports gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender causes, as well as great apes and their habitat.” Such priorities.

Corporations will sell their souls for a mess of contribution mush. Here’s an example:

The Arcus strategy is to help progressive Catholic organizations to convince Catholics of the goodness and morality of gay and lesbian behavior by providing large sums of money to them.

Here’s another example:

Spelman College … announced a matching gift of up to $2 million from billionaire philanthropist Jon Stryker to create a chair in queer studies, the first position of its kind at a historically black college or university (HBCU). The chair will be named after the black lesbian poet and activist Audre Lorde.

Anyway, I don’t care that PayPal cancelled my account. I hardly used it, but I must be some powerhouse if the PayPal enforcers had to cut me off from their platform. These are the same people who will attack a baker for not supporting same-sex marriage and fine them $135,000. It’s OK for PayPal to discriminate, but don’t you dare voice a contrary opinion.

So, if you would like to keep American Vision and me doing what we do, buy some books and/or send a donation.