I’ve been back at American Vision for six months since mid-March of 2019. The financial condition of American Vision was worse than we knew. The email list had gone from 70,000 names to around 15,000. AV was sitting on tons of inventory that was not being utilized.

Since then, we have been able to stabilize the finances with book sales and donations. Many donors who stopped donating have come back.

I’m taking a minimum salary of $2500 per month. This has allowed American Vision to hire Eric Rauch to handle the day-to-day operations while I research, write, and travel to spread the word and create new material. Eric worked at American Vision and did much of our audio and video work. He’s been a great help.

We’ve cut out all unnecessary spending, including internet service since Eric and I work from home.

I am writing and publishing five articles each week.

We’re working on getting some of our out-of-print titles back in print. Last Days Madness will be reprinted soon with a new cover. I was able to add some additional material without affecting the pagination and index. Several other titles are out of print, including Wars and Rumors of Wars. The only thing we lack is funding.

As you may know, filmmaker Darren Doane and I spent three days discussing eschatology and other topics during my trip to Moscow, Idaho. Some of those discussions have been published with more to come. You can view them at American Vision’s Facebook page or on YouTube. They’ve gotten tens of thousands of views through Facebook.

The short three-minute video I did on whether the Bible should be taught in public schools has gotten more than 30,000 views.

The “God and Governments” audio and video series I did with the folks at CrossPolitic is finished. There’s a companion book to go along with the series. As soon as they are available, we’ll let you know.

I spoke five times at a worldview conference in Johnson City, TN, to a group of high school and college students. These are in process of being released in video and audio formats. Here’s a short video clip from the first presentation about Fake News.


I’ve been listening to Dr. Greg L. Bahnsen’s 22 lectures on apologetics that he delivered at American Vision’s Life Preparation Conferences in 1992 and 1993. They are so good that I believe they need to be published as books. The audio series has been transcribed and is going through the editing process. These lectures will lay a solid foundation of apologetic methodology and application for any young person.

B.K. Campbell fromMonergism.com wrote the following about these messages:

Defending the Christian Worldview receives my highest rating; it exceeds one’s expectations. If there is one dominating theme in this course it is ‘understandability.’"

I just returned from being with Jeff Durbin and Luke Pierson at Apologia Studios in the Phoenix area where I was interviewed on Apologia’s podcast. You can view it here. I also did three other talks, one while we ate at a Benihana Steakhouse. These will be coming out in due time. Apologia Studios is doing great work.

In these six months, American Vision has been able to produce a couple of years’ worth of material. I’m excited and encouraged to be back at American Vision and want to thank you for your support.

If there are any projects that you would like to help fund, drop me an email at garydemar@AmericanVision.org or go directly to AV’s donor page.