When I heard about the 17 students at Gloucester High School who are expecting babies, it reminded me of the movie Village of the Damned, based on the novel The Midwich Cuckoos, written by English author John Wyndham and published in 1957. The title of the novel refers to the way brood parasite cuckoo birds place their eggs in the nests of other birds that do not notice the “invasion.” Even after the alien eggs hatch, the surrogate mothers raise them as their own. In Village of the Damned, a small English town is immobilized by an unexplained alien force. Anyone breaching a well-defined but invisible perimeter around the village is immediately rendered unconscious. The villagers awaken after a time with seemingly no ill effects. But two months later, all the women of child-bearing age are pregnant and later give birth to children who look remarkably alike.

In time, as the children mature, something is different about them beyond their stark Aryan appearance. They are after control and domination at the expense of their chosen hosts. Their incarnation has led to the invasion of a foreign worldview that grows more sinister with each passing day. They have the ability to force their wills on the town by using a form of consolidated “group think.” The goal is to subvert the village from within.

A form of “group think” has invaded the public schools in America. Moral relativism has given birth to a new generation of young people whose collective will is more effective than that of their parents. Who’s to blame? “Families are broken,” says school superintendent Christopher Farmer. “Many of our young people are growing up directionless.” Oh? The public schools have these girls for 12 years, 10 months out of the year, six to eight hours each day, five days a week. They are more in contact with their teachers than their own parents. So if they are “directionless,” it seems that the lack of direction is coming from the public schools. Public schools, with their secular worldview, can’t offer real direction beyond career goals. These kids lack direction because they lack an identity. Darwin’s chickens have come home to roost:

After Darwin, we can no longer think of ourselves as occupying a special place in creation—instead, we must realize that we are products of the same evolutionary forces, working blindly and without purpose, that shaped the rest of the animal kingdom. And this, it is commonly said, has deep philosophical significance…. Darwinism undermines both the idea that man is made in the image of God and the idea that man is a uniquely rational being. Furthermore, if Darwinism is correct, it is unlikely that any other support for the idea of human dignity will be found. The idea of human dignity turns out, therefore, to be the moral effluvium [emanation] of a discredited metaphysics.[1]

These young girls are acting like the animals they are being told they are. “You and me baby ain’t nothin’ but mammals, so let’s do it like they do on the Dis-cov-ery Channel.[2] Barbara Reynolds, former columnist for USA Today explains it better than anyone:

While evolution teaches that we are accidents or freaks of nature, creationism shows humankind as the offspring of a divine Creator. There are rules to follow which govern not only our time on Earth, but also our afterlife. One philosophy preaches happenstance; the other, divine order. . . . Teaching evolution makes about as much sense as teaching that humankind was grown in a cabbage patch or raised by wolves. . . . We are not human animals. We have written speech and higher intellect, but more important, we have souls fueled by a spirit of right and wrong. Human action is determined by core beliefs, Creationism teaches that humans are wonderfully made with the promise of high expectations**[3]**

Reynolds is simply echoing the sentiments of C.S. Lewis who wrote, “We make men without chests and we expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and we are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful.”[4]

Who are the role models for these teenage girls? The June 10, 2008 edition of USA Today carried an article on what “pregnant celebs” are eating. Five are listed. Angelina Jolie, 33, “and her partner, Brad Pitt, are expecting twins.” Pitt left his wife Jennifer Aniston to “partner” with Jolie. Jamie Lynn Spears, 17, “and her fiancé, Casey Aldridge, 19, are expecting a girl at the end of June.” Jessica Alba, who won a “Teen Choice Award,” says she is “spiritual” and “believes in God,” but she has “objections to the church’s condemnations of premarital sex and homosexuality.” She says of the Bible, “I thought it was a nice guide, but it certainly wasn’t how I was going to live my life.” Obviously. Alba married Cash Warren on May 19, 2008 and gave birth to a baby girl on June 7, 2008. That was some quick gestation period. English actress Minnie Drive, 38, revealed her pregnancy on The Tonight Show. She’s due in August but “won’t reveal the name of her baby’s father.” We mustn’t forget Tori Spelling. She is married for the second time. “If it’s OK for these Hollywood ‘celebs,’ who make gobs of money and live in mansions, why isn’t it OK for me?” Who’s to say it’s not? Annette Dion, a 45-year-old private music teacher, said of school and city officials, “I don’t think we heard the truth today.” She added that “pop culture has glamorized teen pregnancy, and movies and celebrity pregnancies do not give girls an accurate picture of parenthood.”

In reality, the girls at Gloucester High School are not directionless. They’re getting plenty of direction from the morally relativistic culture that bombards them on a daily basis. The schools they attend have no moral guideposts to steer them in a different direction. Teachers are prohibited by law to mandate moral absolutes. The students at public (government) schools are being taught that they are animals. We shouldn’t be surprised when they act like them.  

James Rachels, Created From Animals: The Moral Implications of Darwinism (New York: Oxford University Press, 1990), 1, 5.**
[2]** “The Bad Touch” by The Bloodhound Gang.**
[3]** Barbara Reynolds, “If your kids go ape in school, you’ll know why,” USA Today (August 27, 1993), 11A.
[4] C.S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man (New York: Macmillan, [1947] 1972), 35.