Making Changes from the Bottom Up

Conservatives and liberals alike get sucked into politics and perceive that civil government is the solution to all our worldly woes. Gary DeMar teaches that change is from the bottom up, and civil government is not where change begins for society. [...]

The Politics of the Government Healthcare Bill

As the Government Healthcare Bill passes the Senate with a 60-40 vote, how are Conservatives to react? Responding to a crass email received from a lawyer who would benefit from the new healthcare system, Gary examines the politics behind the bill and what the American people may expect should it be made into law. [...]

A Politically Incorrect Christmas Story

Liberal politicians twist the Christmas story of Jesus’ birth into a political propaganda story every year. Mary represents an impregnated premarital sex youth. Joseph and Mary’s plight that ends up with them giving birth to a child in a first century barn represents the poor and needy of America the U.S. government should save with tax dollars. Gary reviews the fallacies of the libera [...]

Christians Object to State's Absolute Authority

Gary demonstrates Christians aren’t anti-government; they are anti-tyrannical government. Christians are concerned that the limits of civil government are no longer recognized in America. What does the Bible have to say about government, and how is government different from politics? [...]

Are Attempts to Reclaim the Culture a Pointless Exercise?

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) First-century believers could have offered tangible evidence that there was little chance for the gospel to have an impact on the status quo of religious and civil oppression in their day. How could a small band of men—led by a fisherman (Peter) and a tentmaker (Paul)—living under R [...]

How Much Land Does the Federal Government Own?

Do you know how much land in the United States is owned by the Federal Government? It’s shocking: Nevada : 84.5% Alaska: 69.1% Utah: 57.4% Oregon: 53.1% Idaho: 50.2% Arizona: 48.1% California: 45.3% Wyoming: 42.3% New Mexico: 41.8% Colorado: 36.6% Take at look at the map on the “Strange Maps” site. Post Reply | View Replies [...]

Beyond Good and Evil

![“Article](“" ““Article”) “It can’t happen here!” How many times have we heard this claim? But it can happen here. Many will tell you that it is happening here. It seems that almost on a daily basis we are losing our God-given rights. Some even make the case that there is a direct assault on the C [...]

One's Soul for a Political Pottage Mess

![“Article](“" ““Article”) “I am a Christian, I am a Protestant, I am a Baptist . . . [and] my own personal religious faith . . . has developed out of my own personal experience in life as well. . . . [T]he tradition of which I’m a part recognizes the importance of personal communication with the deit [...]

Premillennialism and Politics Don't Mix

![“Article](“" ““Article”) What is so troubling about Christian involvement in politics? Christians like John MacArthur, Cal Thomas, and Ed Dobson have written on the subject. MacArthur’s Why Government Can’t Save You includes the following subtitle: An Alternative to Political Activism. While MacArth [...]

The Rise of the Divine State

![“Article](“" ““Article”) While the extremes of Adolf Hitler’s regime may seem like a radical comparison to present-day America, there is much about our own social and political condition that should worry us. Herbert Schlossberg’s masterful study of power in his book Idols for Destruction is both pr [...]

One Nation Under Darwin

![“Article](“" ““Article”) Today is the 200th birthday of Charles Darwin, and evolutionists are celebrating worldwide that they are nothing more than bags of meat and bone with electricity running through them. “Praise Darwin from whom all matter flows!,” their doxology goes. The religious character o [...]

Gas and Government

Gary interviews Josh Bollen discussing the influence Christians can make through grass roots efforts by way of the Internet. They discuss the political left force of and how they have been influential in moving the agenda of liberalism in America. Josh Bollen introduces his site, and how it’s effort is to push the republican party towards constitutional values once agai [...]

Tulip Mania

e housing market as it relates to the current economic crisis. Gary clarifies how not only is congress at fault for the market fall, but the buyers, bankers and investors too. “We might be victims of Wall Street’s greed, but not quite innocent victims.” Government interference in the market place is always a disaster. Gary also shares insight into the insurance/loan/housing marke [...]

The Pulpit and Politics

While driving to Charlotte, North Carolina, yesterday, I heard John MacArthur encourage Christians to vote. It wasn’t that long ago that he left the impression in his book Why Government Can’t Save You that Christians should resist putting too much emphasis on politics. I was glad to hear that he has taken a more active role in helping Christians to understand that politics is not outside the para [...]

Why We Need Rich People

“Washington wants only more of some people’s money… Out of envy, they are saying, ‘Yes. Tax those people at the top.’” Why are the prices so good in America for many commodities? Why are there enough jobs to go around? Why is it that in communist countries there’s no economic innovation? Thank the wealthy. Gary points out the ‘wealth of benefits&rsq [...]

Some Warped Political Philosophies

![“ArticleImage](“" ““ArticleImage”) There are a number of political philosophies from a Christian perspective floating around that need some attention. The Apostle Paul saw no inconsistency in taking advantage of his Roman citizenship (Acts 16:37–39; 22:22–29) while maintaining that he was also a [...]

Bureaucratic Slavery

Gary discusses the current debates on the political scene, and interviews Joel McDurmon about the mortgage crisis. [...]

Should Sarah Palin be in Politics?

There is concern and reservations over the candidacy of Sarah Palin as a vice-presidential candidate, and not all of it is coming from the political left. A number of Christians have expressed their disapproval of a woman holding political office. The most articulate biblical appraisal taking this position has been written by William Einwechter. At first reading, there is little I can disagree wit [...]

The Religion of Ideology

While there is great disdain for mixing traditional religious principles with science, politics, and morality, secularists mix their own brand of religion with their ideology. “For many,” Douglas Young, professor of political science and history at Gainesville State College in Georgia, argues, “their new religion is politics, their faith is their ideology, and their church is their political party [...]

Liberals Mix Religion and Politics

Conservative Christians are the target of the claim that religion and politics do not mix. But there is almost no criticism of mixing religion and politics by liberal and left-leaning political groups. Alan Colmes, who sits in the liberal chair across from Sean Hannity on FOX’s Hannity and Colmes, follows liberal religion talking points when he claims that Jesus “believed the rich should give to t [...]