1976: The Turning Point (Part One)

1976: The Turning Point (Part One)

Dr. Gary North continues his discussion of how the Scopes Trial and the ensuing political developments shaped the 20th century. William Jennings Bryan in 1922 wanted his followers to gain control over the allocation of political plunder. He had been campaigning on this platform for three decades. He understood that modernist Progressives were now in control of the political process nationally. He [...]

How Literal is Your Bible Translation?

How Literal is Your Bible Translation?

Most Christians cannot read and translate Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, the languages of the Bible. As a result, for most of us, we are dependent on translations. Vernacular translations began early. The Latin Vulgate was mostly the work of Jerome (345-420). The Vulgate was adopted as the Bible translation of the Western Church. It was the first book printed using JohannesGutenberg’s printing press [...]

The Non-Violent Educational Revolution

The Non-Violent Educational Revolution

Gary discusses a new book called America’s Cultural Revolution by Christopher Rufo. The oppressive nature of the older Communism was noted by Antonio Gramsci (1891–1937), a committed Marxist with a new approach to bring about cultural and social change. In order to capture democratic nations, a new model would have to be developed. Like the revolutionary Marxists before him, Gramsci consider [...]

The Successful Long March Through the Institutions

The Successful Long March Through the Institutions

There was a radical worldview shift in the 1960s. What was its foundational source? Those pushing for an overthrow of the establishment learned a great deal when their radical and often violent actions failed to accomplish their stated goals to bring down the system and turned most of the population against them and their tactics. In time, the radicals understood it would be necessary to capture t [...]

The Ethical Implications of Darwinism

The Ethical Implications of Darwinism

Dr. Gary North concludes this talk about the importance and historic significance of the Scopes Trial and William Jennings Bryan. Christians do not object to freedom of speech; they believe that Biblical truth can hold its own in a fair field. They concede the right of ministers to pass from belief to agnosticism or atheism, but they contend that they should be honest enough to separate themselves [...]

The Background to the Scopes Trial

The Background to the Scopes Trial

In one of American Vision’s talks from the archives, Dr. Gary North discusses the Scopes Trial and the importance of William Jennings Bryan as an American political figure. The story I have written here has not previously been told. There are books on the Presbyterian conflict. There are doctoral dissertations on it. But chronicles are not enough. We know that the liberals captured the North [...]

Was the Preterist Interpretation of Revelation Invented by the Jesuits?

Was the Preterist Interpretation of Revelation Invented by the Jesuits?

One of the arguments used against a preterist interpretation of Revelation is that it was developed by Spanish Jesuit Luis De Alcazar (1554–1613) who wrote a commentary titled Vestigio Arcani Sensus in Apocaplysi or Investigation of the Hidden Sense of the Apocalypse and was published a year after his death. “In this work dedicated to the Catholic Church, he made a new attempt to interpret the Apo [...]

The Presuppositional Revolution

The Presuppositional Revolution

Dr. Gary North discusses R.J. Rushdoony and Cornelius Van Til and what a comprehensive worldview looks like. Every king requires obedience. Every kingdom has laws. Men are always under the law of some kingdom. The standard phrase, “We’re under grace, not law,” is utter nonsense. We are always under law. The question is: Whose law? God’s law or Satan’s? To be under Satan’s law is to be a citizen of [...]

Independence from God Means Dependence on the State

Independence from God Means Dependence on the State

Independence from God is a terrible road to take, but that seems to be the one we’ve taken. Independence from God means dependence on the State. That’s the road we’re on. The book The Case for America’s Christian Heritage shows that there is no honest way to separate religion from America’s political, social, historical, and institutional life. It’s equally true that not all our nation’s fou [...]

Heretics and False Teachers

Heretics and False Teachers

In this concluding part of his interview with Pastor Richard Henry, Gary further discusses the recent heresy controversy. As the New Testament makes clear, apostasy was rampant almost from the church’s inception. The apostasy about which John wrote was operating in his day. Paul had to counter a “different gospel” that was “contrary” to what he had preached (Gal. 1:6–9). He had to battle “false br [...]

Christians Should be Building

Christians Should be Building

Gary critiques the modern (and past) response of the church and Christians to cultural decay and immorality. Politics was as messy in biblical times as it is today. Biblical heroes like Gideon, Jephthah, Samuel, Barak, and Samson had their moral failings, and yet they are in the biblical “Hall of Faith”: And what more shall I say? For time will fail me if I tell of Gideon [idolater], Barak [coward [...]

What Derailed the Jesus Revolution?

What Derailed the Jesus Revolution?

Why did the Jesus’ Revolution that garnered a Time magazine cover in 1971 fizzle over time? What were to be the next steps that would result in a real worldwide Jesus “revolution” where Christians would learn to apply the Bible to every area of life? There was no worldview follow-up because there was said there was no time or need for a long-term strategy because “the rapture” of Christians who ju [...]

Where Real Science Arose

Where Real Science Arose

The world and the way it functions cannot be accounted for in the atheistic world. Atheists are bound by laws of the uniformity of nature. There is no escape from this reality. Scientists know that an experiment performed today under specific conditions will function in the same way tomorrow under the same conditions because that’s the way the world was made to work. It didn’t evolve to work the w [...]

The Hidden Secret of Charles Lindbergh

The Hidden Secret of Charles Lindbergh

The Supreme Court’s majority opinion in the overthrow of the Defense of Marriage Act made a mess of marriage. It opened a Pandora’s Box of future litigation and perversion that we are seeing every day in the United States. Polygamists see that they’re next in line for judicial satisfaction. Who would have thought that transgenderism and sexual perversion would be taught to elementary school childr [...]

Three Examples of Why the Future Matters

Three Examples of Why the Future Matters

The Oak Beams of New College, Oxford The anthropologist, social scientist, and linguist Gregory Bateson (1904-1980) is said to have told a story of how a college planned for future inevitabilities. There are most likely different versions of it floating around. The date of the founding of New College, Oxford, goes back to 1379. Over the years, buildings were added to the grounds to accommodate stu [...]

The End Times Crazy Wagon Rumbles On

The End Times Crazy Wagon Rumbles On

False and spurious speculation about events and technologies continue to be found everywhere, from Tabletalk Magazine to NPR. Much of the speculative nature of today’s Bible prophecy hysteria can be linked to “generational provincialism,” that is, the belief that nothing has prophetic significance unless it happens to the present generation. Many who take this approach seem to be unaware that wars [...]

College Professors Want to Steal Your Child’s Mind and Turn Them Against You

College Professors Want to Steal Your Child’s Mind and Turn Them Against You

In two- or three-months, millions of high school graduates will head off to college where the goal will be to retrain them to get their minds right. What will they encounter? Is there an agenda? You bet there is. Consider what happened at the law school at the City University of New York: CUNY Law School’s dean came under fire … when video emerged of her clapping at a graduate’s incendiary May 12 [...]

The State Claims to be Our God, Father, Messiah, and Lawgiver

The State Claims to be Our God, Father, Messiah, and Lawgiver

I’ve noticed some Christians who argue that Christians should not be involved in politics. One person compared it to trying to clean up the porn industry and the mafia. The porn industry is not confiscating my property in ever increasing amounts through taxation, creating money out of thin air that results in the devaluation of my savings and income, and sending young people to fight in immoral wa [...]

Christianity and the First Amendment

Christianity and the First Amendment

The fact that Christianity is not specifically mentioned does not mean that the First Amendment is hostile to Christianity. A Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution in 1791 because many believed the Constitution was not specific enough regarding the rights of the states and the people. The individual states felt that a Bill of Rights “would protect fundamental rights against interference by [...]

The Three Greatest Communication Inventions

The Three Greatest Communication Inventions

We take book publishing for granted. Today, anyone can be a published author. In fact, you don’t have to print a book to make it available to people. Electronic “printing” by way of eBooks and PDFs (Portable Document Format) can send information around the world without the need of ink and paper. Johannes Gutenberg (c. 1398-1468) Publishing was not always this easy. Gutenberg’s “introduction of me [...]